Saturday, November 30, 2013

Took a few days

But I now have an ankle brace/support on my left ankle. Not overly comfortable, as it presses onto the bruises on my shin, but at least my ankle isn't rolling and swelling up even more.

Got one to wear during the day and a 'night time' one to use as a compression bandage to reduce the swelling.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wow, only took them 2 months. Speed record for Adobe

Old news: Someone hacked Adobe, stealing peoples' identities and banking details of people subscribing to their "Creative Cloud", stealing thousands upon thousands of dollars.

TODAY, I get a letter (not to be mistaken for an email) from them about it, telling me to change my password and to monitor my account. Seeing as I have Zero banking details as I don't do subscription software, I find this doubly funny.

2.5 months to notify me, and I don't subscribe.

It took a few days, but it seems The Secret Service is investigating this guy now

I posted about reporting someone on Facebook who was advocating the assassination/murder of a twice duly elected president. He said he would do it, and even tried to get other to agree to join in on the 'fun'. And after Facebook decided this didn't violate their TOS and wouldn't remove it, I told them I was sending the info to the Secret Service, which I did via Twitter, on November 21st, as there was no email contact to be found on their Secret Service Page:

Yesterday, I get this from Facebook yesterday:

Hi Sandra,

We revised our decision on your report of Everest Wilhelmsen's photo.

We reviewed the photo you reported for containing hate speech or symbols. Since it violated our Community Standards, we removed it. Thanks for your report. We let Everest Wilhelmsen know that his photo has been removed, but not who reported it. Facebook never discloses who submits a report.

The Facebook Team

And today I read the Secret Service is investigating this 'gentleman'. I wonder if Facebook got a call from the Secret Service.

Monday, November 25, 2013

I'm all for freedom of speech, but with that freedom comes responsibility.

I reported someone on Facebook who was advocating the assassination/murder of a twice duly elected president. He said he would do it, and even tried to get other to agree to join in on the 'fun'.

At first, FB said it didn't violate their codes of conduct, to which I replied "how is threatening the president and inciting others to murder him NOT a violation? Ok, fine, I'm sending the information to the Secret Service", and I did.

A few days later, FB admins have done a backflip and reversed their decision, and has removed the post and issued the person who posted it a warning.

I didn't like President Bush. He wasn't elected the first time, but was declared president by Supreme Court fiat. He got elected 2004 on the tails of panic and inciting fear about 9/11. I thought then, and now, that he was not qualified, and incompetent, but NEVER did I want him shot or killed.

I was aghast when someone disrespected the office of the president by throwing a shoe at him. He and his administration lied through their teeth about WMDs, yellow cake uranium, costing thousands of lives.

They cut the budget for foreign embassy security, and every time an increase in funding for security was asked for, the GOP quashed it. Look up how many died under the Bush Administration watch. And even with that, I never wanted him killed

Why can't the TeaPublicans and the rabidly bigoted Conservatives extend the same respect to the office of the President?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Another shifted to a larger planter

Chili Tree #2 is now residing in what used to be the pot for the lime tree. I had tried to put it in a different pot but hadn't realized it was so pot bound and in need of more depth. Had I known, I would have transplanted it into the old lime tree pot, and put the sage seedlings in the hanging pot. Will wait until the sage is a bit recovered from one transplanting before moving them.

Lots of Thyme on my hands

And sage, too.

Got some sage seedlings to replace the one that was destroyed by woolly aphids. Dumped all the potting soil out of the old one (shame too, as it look fresh an usable, but not taking chances of aphid eggs/larva being in it), put some news paper in the bottom of the planter, and re potted the seedlings.

Did the same with the thyme, but have them in smaller pots, to be hung out of reach of snails.

Used some SeaSol in all three newly re potted planters, and sprinkled in some animal safe snail pellets. Will head off to Bunnings t get some hooks to hang the thyme plants up. And *this* summer, when it gets too hot, I will bring them indoors.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Turned 45 today...

Too bad it was a U-Turn. :)

Ah well, time marches on. People have asked "What's it feel like?"

Seeing as the problems I have now originated when I was in my early 20s, I really don't feel any different.

Went out for a micro wine crawl with Wing , Meegan and Daryl after a nice pasta dinner with Wing.

Heading out today to pick up new contact lenses, different 'script, as my myopia has improved, and current lenses are just too strong.

Will also be putting in order at the butchers' for Giftmus Turkey. I have to be a bit more careful in the kitchen this year, as it seems every year someone has some dietary no no (no lactose, no gluten, or other food allergies). It's no hardship to do this, I just have to make sure to keep cooking/mixing implements separate.

Well, heading off to order a pteranodon for December, of which I will cook to perfection again. :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Productive but not much fun

Sorted out and washed, hung out, took down, fluff and folded 4 loads of laundry.

Broke out the vacuum cleaner and the carpets got its tender attentions. Amazing how much crud a bagless machine gets out of the rug. Emptied it, swapped out dust mite filter for a clean one. Cleaned the 'dirty' filter, then noticed how grungy the utility sink was. Scrubbed that out. New shade of color now... clean.

Attacked a 'clutter corner' in our bedroom, and have irritated Ziggy because of it. I removed a stack of book from there, and put them in the bookcase, thereby filling in Ziggy's bolt hole behind the scratch post.

Now I have the not so much fun part, as pain and nausea have arrived in equal measure.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Had a bit of an accident last night

Sometimes, those solar charged lawn lights don't got the distance. Sometimes they shut off but not because the battery charged went flat.

We have two solar powered floods aimed at the front door. Typically, I walk up to them at night, use my small flashlight on the solar panels for about a second, and they come back on and stay one for a few hours.

I did this, as usual,but forgot I had moved a large, recently emptied planter. I turned around, and walked smack into it, bashing my left shin very hard. Lost balance, executed a pirouette a ballerina would have been proud to see, regained balance, and walked to the door to go in.

Only thing that ran through my head is "please, no bleeding" because as hard has I hit it, I didn't really feel it because of nerve damage. Got into the house, checked the shin, and Hooo doggie did I do a helluva hit, but no blood.

Alan saw it and said "Holy shit." , went to the freezer and got a bag of frozen pea, wrapped in a towel, then got foot stool, and I applied the improvised icepack. Kept bruising to minimum.

Left hip is a bit sore this morning, though, so probably gave it a helluva wrench last night.

Friday, November 8, 2013

I just keep wondering

If Walmart spent all the money they're shelling out to highlight the few employees that aren't being paid wages so low that US taxpayers have to support the workers via family assistance programs, on ALL the employees, they wouldn't NEED to highlight the few that aren't being paid slave wages.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Teaborg Prom Queen Ann Coulter is either a liar, or thinks everyone as stupid at Sen Rafael Cruz

Senator Rafael Cruz' father (and others) keep making references about sending President Obama "back to Kenya".  Considering how all the TeaHadists have insisted President O wasn't born in Hawaii (as records clearly prove he was) that he was born in Kenya, Ann Coulter is trying to pass off this bigoted birther bullshit as "a joke" that just "kills em" at TeaFuq rallies and parties. The people aren't laughing, they are cheering and agreeing.

Now, I know this four letter word for woman ending in UNT and I don't mean aunt, is a talking head for FAUX, Rush Limbaugh, and whatever food group of idiots she has currently glommed onto, but no one, and I mean no one, who has more than two braincells thinks the 'back to Kenya' is a joke. And if she is so addle pated that she thinks it's a joke, please, stop giving that shrew airtime and have her fitted for long sleeved canvas jacket with buckles in the back.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The apple definitely didn't fall far from the tree.

Senator Rafael Cruz has had his father shilling for him. Now I see where Sen Cruz gets his insanity. He inherited it genetically from his father. Mr Rafael Cruz Sr not just a flat out liar, he also has no grasp on reality.

Mr Rafael Cruz Sr, a Cuban communist, is saying the US Constitution was written by men on their knees, divinely inspired, that the US Was founded as a Christian nation might fly in Cuban schools, but sorry, buckwheat, it's just not true. Secular men, secular document, secular nation.

He spouts debunked Birther bullshit. How about instead of sending our US born President 'back to Kenya' where he wasn't born, you take that daffy-assed kid of yours back to Canada, where he was born.

Claims that President Obama never says "under god" when he recites the Pledge of Allegiance. Dear Mr Cruz Sr, there is this newish invention called VIDEO, which clearly shows you're either lying through your teeth, or suffering from a psychotic break from reality.

But just like his lamebrain son, he is pandering to the lowest common denominator. Scared, bigoted TeaBorgs