Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Seems I picked the right day to set pool up
Oh, this is for people local to me: does anyone have LoTR:RoTK extended version? If yes, can I borrow it? Once of our discs won't play and I can't find my back up.
R.I.P. funny man
(CNN) -- Leslie Nielsen, whose longtime career as a dramatic actor took a sudden turn into comedy with spoofs like "Airplane!" and "The Naked Gun," has died at age 84, his family said Sunday
Summer is officially here (according to me)
This one is smaller than last years. Note how we used the bottom of the old pool for a ground liner. >:) Recycling at its best!
Should be ready in another 20 mins or so.
From Twitter 11-29-2010
- 08:47:00: Squeaky wheel/grease.. Acer sending onsite tech to my house. *evil laughter* Good news: Esra did agree w/my reasons for frustration.
- 08:47:51: @prkaye RE: submarines: Next comment from that person will be about inflatable dartboards.
- 12:35:15: New Pool for Summer 2010. Smaller&easier to set up. Kudos to Alan for the mega assist. http://twitpic.com/3b8f5b
- 13:45:36: Pool is ready.. time for cooling.
- 14:19:54: 20 mins of submersion is wonderful. I haz the coolness. Relief! Must remember to put cover over the pool tonight.
- 16:01:04: Wing SMS to me no 'skinny dipping". I replied "What about chunky dunking?"
- 16:50:25: @toriKh not deep enuff or I just might!
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Hello, my name is Squeaky Wheel...
I got up early, brewed some coffee, and made sure all telephone handsets were fully charged.
I then sat down, wrote out some talking points, and salient issues. Then I girded my loins and called Acer Tech Support. After proceeding through the automated menus, I was told I was #3 in line. I waited.
The "On hold" Flamenco music was nice.. the first few times. I felt my eyes crossing after 15 minutes of listening to it.
Suddenly, "Hello, thank you for Calling Acer Tech support. My name is "E", how can I help you."
I laid it all out, calmly, patiently, about the GSOD still happening, the machine returned with a non-functioning USB port, and even pointed out about how John A insinuated that my upgrading to Win 7 Pro through legal avenues was the cause of all my ills. She put me on hold for about a minute to ask her supervisor if this was true, and was told exactly what I was told.. No, Windows Pro would not cause it. I also told her that I had the exact same software, minus the touch screen specific software, on the computer I'm using right this moment, and I have never had it go GSOD when using graphic programs.
She asked me if I still had the original packaging the computer came in. I was thanking heaven and earth that Aikidomayland is an auditor, and I am former computer store tech, because not only do I have it, I even have the film that was over the screen to protect it from being scratched! I said yes, and Lo and BEHOLD! I will be getting an Onsite service! Part will arrive to him Wednesday, and he will call to arrange time for my convenience! And if he can't fix it, I am getting a new machine! I was also asked to provide a photograph of the GSOD (which I have).
Monday, November 29, 2010
Because I don't trust Acer Repair
The last communication I got from John A was that his tech said I "installed Win 7 Pro". No, I didn't. I did, however, take advantage of the "Anytime Upgrage" as I needed certain features that Pro had that Home Premium didn't. They states this as if this negates my warranty, but after talking to Microsoft (Singapore), and two Acer reps I have been duly informed that it does not void my warranty, as it was not a pirate upgrade, but legally purchased one as an option giving my Microsoft, and tacitly, Acer by installing said "Anytime Upgrade".
The Z5601 is packed up in the same box they returned it to me in. Now, it's a matter of twiddling my thumbs until they decide to send me a shipping label for their courier, and a mailing address.
And oh yes, I am making sure all of the phone handsets are fully charged, because I am going to call them in the morning, on top of the support tickets and sending them formal letter of complaint. I am going to make them fix my computer just to stop me from nagging them.
From Twitter 11-28-2010
- 22:00:36: @prkaye If I find you on Wordpress, does that officially make me a stalker?
- 22:02:49: @prkaye Hmm, I've been on Wordpress for a while. Maybe you're stalking me. (laughing)
- 22:05:45: Dayam.. going to be early night to crash and burn. It's been a stresser of a week. Hope to set up pool tomorrow before it gets too hot.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010
From Twitter 11-27-2010
- 08:09:44: One official "Letter of Complaint" sent off about the Acer lemon.. errr Computer.
- 10:59:25: 1st, nothing but crickets from Acer. Now 3 replies. John A blaming upgrade to Win Pro. GSOD happened weeks before upgrade. Acer Tech Fail!
- 14:59:53: Have trusty faithful Acer laptop set up again, and Z5610's packed up. Got used monitor for $50. Don't have to squint now.
- 15:01:14: Took timestamped photos showing Z5610 has Zero damage. Gawd, I wish I had a pell or punching bag right about now.
- 17:40:43: Last Irony with Z5610. Took pic to show which USB port wasn't working. Submitted support ticket. Closed PaintShop Pro.. GSOD.
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Saturday, November 27, 2010
Saga of the Acer All in ONe
I looked at the work order, and started scratching my head. Showed it to Alan and he said "WTF?"
According to the work order, I said the machine was unstable and I had no display.
How the hell did they get that from "The faulty chipset is causing a Grey Screen of Death and I have to do a hard restart"?
Ok, next item: They claimed the "casing was badly damaged". Both Alan and I said "WTF?" I took pics of the computer as I was packing it up. It wasn't damaged!
All they did was run diagnosis on the harddrive, the CPUS, the memory and the mainboard. They did NOTHING about the video chipset. NOTHING. All they did was reset to factory defaults and shipped it back to me.
So, I started the tedious process of reinstalling my programs, uninstalling worthless crap that came preinstalled. I find out that one of my USB ports on the left side can't 'recognise' any device plugged in there. On top of that, two days later, while mounting an ISO image on a virtual drive, guess what? I got the fewking GREY SCREEN OF DEATH again!
It can't be the software, as I have the exact same software installed on my laptop and it runs without this problem.
The Acer Saga has been going on a year now, ever since Acer shipped the wrong computer to Disc World. I am to the point I want to take this computer to HN and smash it on the floor, the money be DAMNED!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Red Collared Lorikeet
From Twitter 11-22-2010
- 07:18:16: My breakfast was Panadiene. *wince* Feels like scalp only thing holding skull together.
- 07:36:20: @KeithOlbermann You did a poor job of negotiating a truce between the Hatfields and the McCoys.
- 07:46:14: Fundie said (fictional) Harry Potter needs to leave Hogwarts and find Jesus. I asked her "What? Did you lose him again?"
- 09:36:08: @prekaye LOL
- 11:36:02: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L USM Lens arrived. In serious camera/lens lust.
- 11:37:12: @prkaye All those arguments were used against marriages like mine w/Wing. Was wrong then, wrong now.
- 11:38:22: @prkaye How's this for a lens? http://twitpic.com/391wds
- 13:11:13: @prkaye More lenses to come, too!
- 13:55:17: 2nd photo taken with the new Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L. Handheld, too. Will use mono or tripod soon. http://twitpic.com/392u01
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Monday, November 22, 2010
I may never use a kit lens again
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Further adventures in Photography!
He did marvelously! The photo instructor likes the subject matter, and didn't tell Aikidomayland what to do, but did give hints, and gentle reminders.
And because of the need, I donated my 300D, the kit lens, the battery grip and other bits for it to a charity that provides photo equipment to disadvantaged kids. It's a good thing to do.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
From Twitter 11-19-2010
- 08:56:52: Just saw Repub Pundits choice for next president. Woe be to the Republic.
- 09:04:46: @KeithOlbermann Boehner&Ethics? Matter and antimatter would destroy each other on contact.
- 09:44:45: @scottsigler Re Matt Millen (LOL!) You tell em!
- 09:50:18: Methods to fight TSA fondling: squirm&giggle a lot. Moan like diner scene "When Harry Met Sally". When groper close to your mouth scream OW!
- 10:23:41: @scottsigler He owns well padded knee and shin guards?
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Synced Treo to Stirling Time Server/Weather
Need to set up the pool.
From Twitter 11-18-2010
- 21:19:53: Take a look at this video -- 1200mm Canon 5.6 L Super Telephoto Lens http://t.co/DCnlhYs via @youtube
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Well, it's on its way back
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Yes, I got spoiled
My desktop was picked up on Nov 10th. I did manage to get my refitted Acer laptop up and running without a problem. But I miss the speed of my desktop, and the large screen. I have my son's old flat screen. It's bigger than the laptop screen, but smaller than desktop. It's making photo editing problematical. Not to mention using my art program. *sigh* Also, I've been getting headaches again.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
And it has nothing to do with having "Nothing to hide"
I read the entire blog entry, and watched the videos. This groin groping after not wanting the backscatter X-ray wasn't equally applied. He had every right to say no. He wanted to go through the metal detector after going through ID check, shoe/carry on/belt/keys etc check, and got yanked out of line after the guy in front of him was yanked out. The first guy declined the backscatter scan, and the 'pat down', and went through the metal detector. When John declined the backscatter scan, he had ever expectation of having the same treatment, and when not given it, was told he had to leave, gets escorted out by TSA agents, and then threatened with arrest and prosecution?
Bets if a person of a specific religion said the very revealing body scan and groping his wife's groin was not going to be permitted, they would be waved through after just an ID check and metal detector scan?
My idea to solve this: Sniffer dogs, biometric IDs, and metal detectors. Sniffer dogs will detect things no mechanical scanner can find.
But the TSA loves its new expensive gadget, and has to use them to justify the expense.
From Twitter 11-15-2010
- 12:31:10: Houston, we have a fire. Bibra Lake area. Can see column of smoke. Power went out too
- 15:02:27: @ariaflame Close enough to make it 'foggy' outside. Got nagging cough now. :p
- 15:21:52: Fire at Bibra Lake. Too damned close for comfort. http://twitpic.com/3713v0
- 18:04:35: Channel 9 really needs to so some work on their subtitles. I can take homonyms, but jeeze, Rottnest = rot must. *laughter*
- 18:04:51: @stephbg Have a blast!
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Dear Fuqwit Firebug
It has also, by way of making my chest tight and sore, changed my plans of Tai Chi tonight. Just what someone recovering from a flu with a cough needs.. smoke inhalation because of some sexually and socially awkward SOB that thinks lighting fires is a great way to get off.
I would like to have 10 minutes alone with you. Actually, 5 would do.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
From Twitter 11-12-2010
- 16:23:37: Watching movie on computer w/headphones. Son pops head into the room. Love the funny looks he gives when I appear to be laughing at zilch.
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Friday, November 12, 2010
Dear Tea-hadists
From Twitter 11-11-2010
- 07:53:14: Re Bush's "memoirs": I thought you weren't allowed to profit from illegal activities, (ie paid for tell all story) & his book is just that.
- 08:00:40: @KeithOlbermann RE:GWB's book:thought you weren't allowed profit from illegal activities,(ie paid for tell all story)&his book is just that.
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Thursday, November 11, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
After almost a year of dicking me around
Now, I know I am not the only customer they have. Nor am I the center of their or even my universe. But if one customer is having the same problem with a machine for almost 10 months, someone there should have pulled their thumb out of their collective orifices long ago to resolve this, and not hold back that it's a known issue, in hopes I would just go away.
So, I sent the email to J at Acer. She replied, and said she is no longer with Sales but marked it priority and sent it to the appropriate department. Imagine my eye roll when I read this, as I had heard it all before.
I get a phone call. I almost fainted. A customer service rep, W, called. After introductions, I reiterated the whole story and told him that it's to the point that the next time I need a high end machine, I would go to HP, or Sony. He couldn't apologise enough. He agreed the entire situation was mishandled by Acer Tech support, and they were logging all of the rigmarole as a "Wrong method of customer service". For my aggravation, my warranty will be extended another 12 months, the work order will be marked URGENT to be fast tracked, and maybe might have faulty unit replaced with the i7 quad core.
So, if you do squawk loud enough, often enough, and long enough, and if you're in the right, sometimes corporations listen and do right by you.
More Pinnacle photos
So, I decided to make a mini-photo essay of Me and My Shadow
The westering sun making shadows long helped this work.
From Twitter 11-07-2010
- 15:34:04: Wing's sciatic&my lower spine. His right knee&my left. Togrther we might make one healthy human. :-D
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Yesterday was marvelous
Here's a peek/preview
Aikidomayland in the bushland!
Dusk at the Pinnacles
Sunday, November 7, 2010
From Twitter 11-06-2010
- 06:32:45: URGENT: @MSNBC idiotically suspended Keith Olbermann! Tell them: put him back on TV now! http://bit.ly/ddnvCW @rainnwilson pls RT
- 06:35:01: Since when does an American Citizen have to clear his political donations with his BOSS!? #Olbermann
- 10:27:11: Photo road trip to Pinnacles. Got some pic of landscpe on the way. Should get there @ noon
- 22:45:58: Back from Pinnacles road trip. Lots of great photo ops. Will post later.
- 23:40:46: Got some gorgeous photos. WIll post tomorrow. Dead tired now, and in dire need of horizontally positioned eyelid light leak test
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Saturday, November 6, 2010
From Twitter 11-05-2010
- 08:12:10: Wow, Tea-hadists have already compiled list of GOPs to oust. GOP turned back on T-h'ers. Only took 2 days.
- 09:47:54: @TrudiCanavan Mischievous House Elves, Trudi. They swat them away.
- 12:04:55: 15% off my work @ RedBubble
http://redbubble.cmail1.com/T/ViewEmail/y/5DDFCA88EF20E3FF/DFEA1CFAC11971BD1C65CA3F48968C2E - 13:06:42: Just $59 for a THREE COURSE Deluxe Dining Experience for TWO at the `Gold Plate Award' Winning The Silk Road... - http://scoopon.com.au/824
- 16:40:11: Heard Boehner say US has "best health care in the world." Threw up a little, considering my sis&her baby died because of how crappy it is.
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This morning
He said "Didn't think we'd go the distance."
*pillow fwap* from me.
I said "I need to trade you in for a newer model. I've never even kept a car this long. I wonder if I can trade marriage license for a driver's license."
Much snickering and giggling ensued.
Friday, November 5, 2010
From Twitter 11-04-2010
- 07:39:20: Alternate Defintion of insanity: Voting in same people who drove country into ruin cuz Prez doesn't have magic solution to fix 8 yr mess.
- 07:50:57: "New and Improved" Twitter is neither. Gave it a run, and just no.
- 07:52:52: Yeah, ditching tax breaks for the rich on the backs of everyone else, and health care for all is just so evil. TeaParty? No, Tea-hadists.
- 22:43:33: Dear Qantas, please stop outsourcing maintenence to cheap labor countries? Okthxbai!
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Canon EOS 550D vs the 60D
The Good: the 60D does have more bells and whistles, but when it comes to photo quality, there is Zero difference. (the lighting did change, as the sun was ducking behind clouds). Each was just as sharp and clear, I ran the same process on both images. I haven't labeled which is which, but I will reply in a private message. So, take a stab at which one it is, and why you think so, and I will let you know if you're right.
The 60 has many more ISO settings which can come handy (ISO 100 too low, but 200 too high? Try 160!) and a nifty flip out screen (like my Lumix Fz50) which is really handy for video recording, and taking portraits, and many of the settings are in a small lighted window next to the shutter. I loved the artificial horizon, as I have a weak left leg, and can lean to the left without realising it. And the 5.7 fps can almost guarantee you get the shot you want. Also, the 60 has up to 1/8000 of a second shutter speed for perfectly freeze framed image.
The Bad: You can't change the White Balance on the fly, as can be needed with the sun playing peek a boo, or if you decide to take a photo under trees, unless you have the flip screen out. This might not be considered too terrible, but the display doesn't switch off when you bring the camera to your eye to the viewfinder as it does with the 550D.
550D has a photosensor which shuts the display off when you use the viewfinder
It's also heavier, which some think is bonus, but if you try to add telephoto lens and are going to be out for the long haul, it begins to feel like an anchor. The buttons to select settings feel kind of mushy, no tactile feeling, so you have to watch to make sure your settings have changed. This can annoying if you are trying to make quick adjustments. Also, they moved the power and setting wheel to the OTHER side of the camera, and where it used to be is where you lighted settings window is.
The Neutral: It has in camera RAW processing. Maybe I am too 'old school' but I would prefer to do that on a large screen, not let the camera do it automatically. It also has "Creative Filters". Again, this is a non-issue with me, as I would said filtering on desktop with large monitor and software so I could undo it if I didn't like it.
So yes, it has extra widgets, and gadgets but if you want to upgrade and have the 550D, don't.. go straight to the 7D.
Holiday shopping.. via the internet
Still nothing back from Acer Tech about picking up the computer. They were quick enough to reply to my support ticket when it came to blaming me for the problems, but now that Stephen I fessed up to the chip set issue being a known problem... well, their dragging their heels is pissing me off.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
From Twitter 11-03-2010
- 00:05:43: Your Father a Republican, and your mother a Democrat? Piss them both off, and be an anarchist!
- 08:08:16: Coons has beaten Sarah Junior aka Christine O'Donnell (the Not a Witch). Anyone really surprised at that?
- 08:27:25: I am one happy absentee voter! Blumenthal won CT! YIPPY!
- 08:54:07: Aww crap.. Grayson lost in Florida.
- 10:15:21: Ok, I draw the line having to listen to the empty headed babblings of Michelle Bachman. It's an overdose of STUPID.
- 14:03:49: Hey Sharron Angle.. SUCK IT BEOTCH!
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010
All packed up and waiting
Then I realized just how spoiled I was with the huge screen. After squinting for about an hour, I rummaged up Alan's old flat screen. Might only be 800x600 but at least my eyes don't want to bleed.
Well, I guess I should be thankful that I didn't get rid of the alto laptop stand.
Planning and getting ready for the summer
Decided to get the matching swimming pool vacuum cleaner.
Now, it's a matter of cleaning the back yard, making sure the area is level, then setting up the pool when it arrives.
AcerRacer is almost set up
My only problem is that I don't know if it's just going to be a chipset replacement, or machine replacement. If it's a machine replacement, many of my programs will have to be re-registered due to the computer having a different machine ID. I have emailed certain software vendors about this and only one has gotten back to me. I will 'remind' them again the day before Cheetah is picked up.
I'm not surprised, but it seems that it was Vista that was causing all the overheating issues and other massive problems with this computer.
Since I have been typing on a full sized keyboard, it's strange to be typing on laptop again. The action is a lot different.
Well, here's hoping Cheetah gets the refit and all will be well.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Jasmine in in bloom
Monday, November 1, 2010
From Twitter 10-31-2010
- 11:22:32: archery today. Stupid people walking behind targets. Darwin Award rehersals?
- 13:35:51: @erikapearson Glad to have helped with the hemming. and it does work. Have done it 12 times, at least.
- 13:44:16: @PerthZoo Sure did, and plan to go back again soon
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Cats were polite and let us sleep until 7am. I had put what archery gear we were going to use out last night. Got there around 9:30. I ended up helping to coach a bit.
The screwiest thing, though. It must have been Darwin Award rehearsals or try outs, because we had people keep walking behind the targets, in front of the archers. Three of them were a mother, father and baby in a baby carriage! Yeesh.
Got home, and did some more set up work with AcerRacer. I installed yLaunch, and copied the tasks from this computer so I can at least remember what I want to have installed. heh
Then it was dinner out with Mother In Law. Let it suffice to say I survived, and it was no where near as stressful as it was last time. And in the words of Alan, I 'tattled' on Aikidomayland about his not sleeping , his being depressed. We wrangled a promise from him to make appointment with counselor again.
Really tired, off to sleep.