Friday, May 29, 2009

It was a dark and....peaceful night

Of course, Aikidomayland has sent me 3 text messages so far. And he is the one worried that I will be too dependent on him. Sorry, luv, but I am not one of those "I can't live without you." sorta gals. I managed to live without you for mumblty mumblty years, so a few nights alone isn't going to rattle my cage.

I am fairy certain that Ziggy, Keito and Loki are going to attempt to take over the bed, but with only one human in it, there will be plenty of room for all. Unless they all three decide to stretch out to their full lengths, including the tails straight out. If they do that, I will know they understand what sarcasm is.

Got some interesting Ebay-age today. I got a working vintage stainless steel percolator in perfect pristine condition. We seem to go through modern percolators at the rate of one every 1 to 3 years. (The Delonghi percolator lasted the longest, at over 3 years. And of course we can't find another one. Model discontinued. Of course it was discontinued. It was a good design and worked quite well.) I am betting that the older ones are better made, as my grandmother had one just like the one I got, and it was working even after she passes away. Chances are the person who bought it at her estate yard sale is still using it. Also replaced Alan's thumbdrive that got destroyed in the accident, and a few other household items.

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