Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Foster cats update

Lucy and Simba's condition keeps improving every day. Lucy will still run out of the house into the pet enclosure if you try to pet her, but will roll over and mew when you pet or brush her outside in the enclosure.

Lucy (l) and Simba (r) come inside for a bit of play time. You can see the 'collar grooves' left by collars that were too small, and the furless patches on Simba's shoulder. He hasn't lost any more clumps, and the dermatitis is easing. So is the inhaling of food. They both have gotten past the OMIGODIMSTARVING stage, and are down to 3 serves of soft food a day, down from 5.

Simba, nose to nose with his mother, Ziggy.

It all hasn't been sweetness and light, however.

Simba pooped on our new sofa.
cold busted him. Poor cat looked scared, he expected to be beaten.
softly said "Bad kitty", sighed, and then got me up to let me know what Simba did.

Got the upholstery cleaner, cleaned and deodorized the soft, vacuumed it dry, and put a cover over it to prevent a recurrence. During the cleaning, all you could see was a tip of a nose and whiskers. When he realised there was no yelling or hitting, he did come out. With luck he will realise there is no need to act out in the fashion, and he will stop, as did Ziggy (she did this a few times on a small rug. We tossed the rug, and put in an extra litter box. Problem solved)

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