I can actually say "I knew him when...."
Monday, February 28, 2011
From Twitter 02-27-2011
- 09:20:38: Bad Movie Night on @Syfy ..Area51. All prepped&ready.
- 09:38:08: @elizadushku Pass on the pin, stick with the splint. Having to have a pin removed from a bone is not something you want to experience.
- 10:07:53: @markos Re: Planned parenthood video: That's not surprising. They have learned well from Not-So-Breitbart.
- 10:08:11: RT @markos: Video reveals anti-Planned Parenthood activist never 'told' nurse she was underage http://t.co/RdCxD87
- 10:40:37: @BrentSpiner I would say they were more beige than white.
- 10:49:17: #BadMovieNight on @Syfy is "Area 51". Body count: Monsters 9, humans 0. Taking bets which aliens are bounty hunters which are criminals.
- 10:55:16: #BadMovieNight Monsters 10, Humans 0. but Photographer to his shot before *ACK*
- 11:07:14: #BadMovieNight Monsters 17, Humans 0.
- 11:21:31: #BadMovieNight Monsters 21, Human 1. (about time)
- 11:25:11: #BadMovieNight on @Syfy @NarcolepticGoat and I were right. Quiet sergeant was alien in disguise.
- 11:28:44: #BadMovieNight on @Syfy Monsters 25, Humans 1. Humans really need to up their game.
- 11:33:27: @NarcolepticGoat Beginning to think Patient 0 is bounty hunter, but really bad one, cuz killing people not just "Lady Death" #BadMovieNight
- 11:38:28: @Syfy #BadMovieNight Monsters 29, Humans 1. Call crossover police: Alien, Aliens, John Carpenter's THE THING mash-up!
- 11:49:45: #BadMovieNight Monsters 30, Humans 2.
- 12:02:19: #BadMovieNight Final body count: Monsters 32, Humans 3. Was decent Bad Movies. Had fun with running commentary with @NarcolepticGoat
- 12:35:26: Smaller but still great http://t.co/OqgPQsu
- 18:02:08: @elizadushku might be sucky but you really didn't want to experience surgical pin removal.
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Sunday, February 27, 2011
Smaller but still great
I did find that I have to remove the cover before the sun comes over the top of the house. The dark color of the cover absorbs heat, and heats the water up.
There is some amusement too, because when Loki is in the house, he will come out to the enclosure and YOWL at me. His human is trying to drown herself! Oh Noes!
Only down side is leaves tend to build up next to the house. Oh well, we do have leaf vacuum/Blower with a mulching feature. Just make sure we do that with the pool cover on!
The good, the bad, the unnecessary and knowing the difference
I got the OnOne photo suite for him in hopes he would stop flattening/desaturating colors. It worked for a while, as it did help him color correct photos, but then he started doing the same thing with it, using it on every photograph even when not needed. He is getting better with it, but I think this Photoshop class will really help him along.
From Twitter 02-26-2011
- 00:05:23: Midnight. Time to sleep well&late. As lat as the furry godlings allow, that is..
- 07:51:01: @elizadushku I use Suli SL-7. Small,does thejob.Don't need it to have camera or phone. Already have those. Nerdz rule!
- 08:00:29: @GeorgeTakei Happy b-day, Brad!
- 08:29:06: Loki just defended his territory from intrusion of neighbor's cat. Fenced in back yard is his & Keito's.
- 09:48:51: If you spot mushroom cloud hovering over Melville its because ranger spoke to roaming Akitas owner.
- 10:21:18: @KeithOlbermann Tick tock.. have egg timer going.
- 10:31:13: @KeithOlbermann Been there, done that, got the bookmark to prove it.
- 10:33:23: @KeithOlbermann I have a good throwing arm, and great aim. be glad you aren't in water balloon range.
- 10:43:58: @BiffPendragon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parody
- 19:22:31: Wing made green curry for dinner. yum. http://twitpic.com/43xkwd
- 19:23:35: @Lapswood See if you can order a ham&cheese on rye when you get to the teller.
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Sorry, guys, it's a data cable, not a magic wand
Of course the Android tablet isn't as fast as your laptop or desktop. Complaining that a small 1ghz (cpu and gpu combined) tablet with 256 megs of memory to run very small footprint/system resource using programs is rather silly. Whining it doesn't have a camera when it stated quite clearly there is no camera again is silly.
The Suli SL-7 has a capacitive screen, WiFi, can use my 3Mobile Broadband modem, reads different ebook formats, can play audio and video, and even though the OEM installed browser (and haven't found a way to install a different one.. yet) can't handle flash sites, there is an installation file on the device for YouTube. This means, you go to YouTube (or other flash video) and the browser will have pop up window asking if you want to use the YouTube app as default flash video viewer. How simple is that?
As for the chronic complainers, Methinks they have their expectations too damned high or are secretly longing for an iPad.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
From Twitter 02-25-2011
- 10:46:02: @GeorgeTakei I must learn to not read your tweets when sipping coffee. Spittakes hazardous to tablet&sinus health!
- 11:24:36: @PanasonicAU Been trying to login to site. No joy, even password reset request not working. Getting emails from PAU so obviously registered
- 11:25:46: @PanasonicAU Have already jumped through "forgotten your password" hoops & sent email because reset requests never arrived.
- 11:26:08: My bet is yes. (@NathanFillion)http://yfrog.com/h0vajguj
- 19:21:28: @SanctuarySeries @recess1231 I keep saying 'Syfy channel. Last best hope for Stargate/Farscape actors.'
- 19:25:20: Been using L 70-200 w/2x MarkIII extender. Definitely need monopod at the very least. Makes camera very front heavy.
- 20:18:34: @prkaye Because of the Y chromosome.
- 20:19:26: @ariannahuff But wait!! There's more!
- 20:45:45: @prkaye Sometimes the truth is. *chucklechortlesnicker*
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The Fruit three sessions with Pro instructors
And now I present:
King of the Birdbath
Canon 40D
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM with 2x Mark III extender
ISO 640
Exp 1/400 sec at f/5.6
Exposure bias -0.7 step
Metering Mode - Pattern
Friday, February 25, 2011
From Twitter 02-24-2011
- 09:20:05: @GeorgeTakei. Or maybe 'The Nanny' Fran Drescher? *shudder*
- 12:27:01: RT @australian AFACT online copyright appeal against iiNet dismissed | The Australian http://bit.ly/huR0yK
- 13:52:15: @TrudiCanavan yes, the timing is a bit.. interesting
- 19:47:28: Dear parents. It would be a kindness&good manners if you wouldn't let your kids SCREAM at full volume for no apparent reason at all.okthxbai
- 21:08:03: @sengmah re:DOF button; yes.
- 22:59:31: @carrieperman @KeithOlbermann @genepm that's clouding issue with facts. Would make Faux noise talking heads implode. Might b fun 2 see
- 23:28:57: @ariannahuff Sleep:noun. Inadequate substitute for coffee.
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Filed under "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
Turns out that it was just the rude rubes across the street, and their dogs were roaming loose. When I pointed this out to the 'adult' woman, she let loose with a string of epithets most fitting in the movie FULL METAL JACKET, informing me her dogs were not roaming loose (disregarding the fact that her dog was in my yard about 10 feet from me, and even Jean said "Yes, your dogs are roaming about." pointing to their dog up in my yard), and her precious off spring was no better. He told said "Shut the f**k up, you f**king c**t, or I will shut you the f**k up."
Ok, I went out there to help what sounded like someone being mauled by a dog, and then getting his crap from this pipsqueak? I got steamed... I said "Oh bring it, buckwheat!" He repeated his sentiments, again with the threats. "Jump froggy, I could use a new house."
He came over all indignant and pugnacious, and Doug, neighbor next door stepped up and told the twerp (Isaac) that yes, your dogs are roaming. That yes, this was 2nd day in a row. And that his choices in conversational skills were lacking.
I called the police, and reported him for threatening, and I will be calling the Melville Rangers about their dogs roaming. She claimed the little dog living next door is what made their BIG dogs charge through a door, cuz the little doggie was threatening theirs. Fine, tell it to the rangers and let them sort it out.
Doug told me I was in the right on this, as was everyone else who thought someone was being hurt. I miss the nice elderly lady who lived there. These people have all the money of the Beverly Hillbillies, but none of the charm.
From Twitter 02-23-2011
- 06:57:07: @angriest Personally, I have warm place in heart for original Zelda, because I pissed eldest son off by solving/finishing it before he did.
- 22:46:13: RT @denisleary I'm gonna miss Gaddafi's outfits. He makes Lady Gaga look like Johnny Cash.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Browser on Android 2.1 Tablet might not play Flash sites
From Twitter 02-22-2011
- 03:57:17: Woke up at 3am w/bellyache, guess I didn't luck out and not catch Wing's tummy bug.
- 04:19:23: @scottsigler *snags Kindle version*
- 09:22:48: @scottsigler glad to have done my small part in advancing your global domination plans. ^_^
- 09:47:58: @scottsigler love Kindle app for android. Thx for making book available to me in Oz. Not all are. Tweet when yet next book is 'Kindled'
- 10:47:14: RT @Noor4Change: That got me thinking...I really wish Bill Clinton would join twitter. Just to see him flirt with @AnnCoulter, and then ...
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Up too early...
Last week, Wing has some tummy bug that caused bellyache and other pain. I had asked him to get some Mylanta but he decided to 'tough it out'. Fine for him seeing as he stayed in bed the entire two days.
I have it now, but I don't don't get the luxury of bed rest with spouse attending to needs. And right now, I need something to help with the gut ache and there is nothing in the house to give relief. Nothing open this early around here, so I am stuck trying to emulate the machismo of Wing and tough it out.
From Twitter 02-21-2011
- 08:56:52: @GeorgeTakei I wouldn't say irony. I would say hypocrisy.
- 08:58:11: RT @GeorgeTakei: Irony: The formerly polygamist Mormon church defending traditional marriage. #Prop8isWrong
- 09:27:40: @KeithOlbermann Not surprised in the least. Shocked tho that it took so long for Dictator in Wisconsin to emulate Mubarak's minions.
- 09:55:37: RT @twidroyd: Thanks for your patience and loyalty. #twidroyd is back online! Download and retweet! Http://bit.ly/Twidroyd5DL
- 10:24:07: Loki vs the Dalek 01 http://twitpic.com/422i6o
- 10:24:52: @prkaye http://twitpic.com/422i6o
- 10:29:18: Loki Vs the Dalek 02... it's not going ANYWHERE http://twitpic.com/422jtn
- 10:55:53: Quirk of cleaning; furniture more difficult to slide over clean carpeting than over grubby not shampooed rug. Ouch.
- 11:00:57: @prkaye does this mean moggies getting enough iron in their diets?
- 11:26:33: @scottsigler Uh oh. C'mon. Dish. Can't drop a bomb like that w/o follow up.
- 11:35:54: @scottsigler Podcasts&earbuds. Of course hiding earbuds problematic for you.
- 14:06:34: Dammit. Cut&scraped right side of my left foot near the heel&I didn't even feel it. Luckily I noticed red. Probably cleaned it in time.
- 18:36:26: @sengmah And the bad thing about LBA is.... what?
- 18:54:57: @sengmah nothing wrong with soup instead of steak for a while. :-)
- 19:15:46: @sengmah nah. My soup cheaper that, but yummy.
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Monday, February 21, 2011
From Twitter 02-20-2011
- 09:49:43: RT @KeithOlbermann: Mother Jones reports on the Koch Bros.' connection to WI Gov. Scott Walker: http://bit.ly/eDlnF1 #OurTahrirSquare
- 13:02:39: @GeorgeTakei. Seems to apply to those born on Scorpio/Sagitarius cusp, too.
- 16:37:31: Went thru pics of Daggles b-day party. They came out wonderfully. Have to dig up cd to burn them to.
- 17:46:36: @CanonAustralia Went to friend's birthday party&took 70 great photos w/Canon40d
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What a weekend
Processed, cropped and saved all the pics as JPGs. Will be burning them onto a CD for them.. but doing that tomorrow. Time for some Zzzzzzzs.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
From Twitter 02-19-2011
- 09:10:35: Still tired and I'm hungry, not a good combination.
- 09:11:59: @GeorgeTakei Awwwwwwww.
- 09:12:14: RT @GeorgeTakei: Brad is no longer the svelt, lean marathoner I fell in love with, but now I've gained more of him to love.
- 09:18:41: @GeorgeTakei Tell Brad I no longer skinny dip. I chunky dunk.
- 18:11:41: Not feeling too great. Have b-day get together w/good friends. Already rsvp'ed. Might leave early. We'll see.
- 18:14:53: Twitter disabled all but their 'official' client. Bact to having screen freeze& resets again. Boo hiss.
- 19:14:29: I was right. < 5 mis after installing 'official' Twitter for Android app, screen locks &have to reset. Again with the boo hiss.
- 23:23:29: Survived the b-day party. Feeling a bit faded. Time for some serious Zzzzz. Just noticed I'm listing to starboard.
- 23:50:00: @twidroyd I read article, so why hasn't twitter unblocked twidroyd yet? Tired of their 'official app' causing my device to lock uo.
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Saturday, February 19, 2011
From Twitter 02-18-2011
- 08:32:23: *guffaw* The irony of this would be lost on Billo. (@keitholbermann)http://yfrog.com/gyqmnykj
- 08:35:50: RT @markos: RT @liberalchik: just because you dont actually do any work in your federal job, doesnt mean other govt employees dont. @Spe ...
- 08:59:57: Twitter app for Android freezes touch screen on refresh&has issues with keypad/keyboard. Might try reinstall see if it clears problem
- 09:08:41: Twitter App for Android keeps locking out screen on refresh&has issues with keypad/keyboard. Hopefully reinstall will clear problem.
- 09:28:26: Seems I was right. Something about other twitter app was a bit screwy
- 11:55:21: Has to be some quantum mechanic equation to explain when cleaning out room it gets messier before it starts looking clean.
- 11:57:22: @prkaye Has me thinking about making pan of semi sweet dark chocolate mud brownies w/pecans.
- 11:59:25: @GeorgeTakei Or a spouse with a smart phone. :-)
- 12:11:10: Suli SL-7 tablet has great battery life. Inversely it takes long time to fully charge. About 2.5 hrs from 2% to100% charge.
- 14:33:50: @GeorgeTakei that is so amazing.
- 14:34:06: RT @GeorgeTakei: Here's a video of me delivering tons of V-Day cards to Marge Wada, an internment camp survivor. Thx to all who helped! ...
- 14:45:29: @erikapearson get same thing with our purrballs. I never argue w/ critter equipped with 10 scimitars.
- 17:08:36: Heading off to get photo critiqued by pro photof. Have chewed sides of fingernail because of nerves. Wing pretty much in same state.
- 17:11:55: @prkaye Guess I'll be shopping a Dymocks
- 18:13:46: Ack! Wing stuck in traffc. Accidents&breakdowns and idiots slowing down for a peek!
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Friday, February 18, 2011
I know he means well
Aikidomayland keeps sending me links to other photo comps. Nuff said?
From Twitter 02-17-2011
- 07:15:20: Tanman Boehner plans will cut almost 1million jobs. His comment 'So be it." Would he say this if it was his job on the line? Oh HELL no!
- 07:23:06: @JeremyCShipp Congrats!
- 07:27:53: That is a gorgeous skyline shot. Well done. (@keitholbermann)http://yfrog.com/h6bsrojj
- 09:49:45: If Michelle Bachman ever got a brain transplant, she would only have one brain in her head.
- 09:53:10: @current This is good to read/hear.
- 09:59:49: Debbi Schlussel isn't just a scummy hominid, she is evil. She gives 'bitches' a bad name.
- 13:50:48: Might not be best day for it but shifted furniture&cleaned trouble part of front room carpet with water/vinegar& water/baking soda combo.
- 13:54:09: Now that I'm done for today Ziggy has come out to investigate. I think she approves. :-)
- 15:07:10: @ariaflame still working as far as I can tell. Your blog could be on different server, though.
- 18:58:21: Not cooking dinner tonight. Wing has upset stomach & Alan is out with his friends.
- 22:37:51: Yes Wing. I know you don't feel well, but you don't have to make everything into a drama.
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This was more than unsettling
To this day, I can remember with clarity the faces of those who though that this funny sounding kid (I had moved from Texas to CT) was a target. The assaults, the thefts, the being ambushed, having hair set on fire, scalp burning substances poured over my head....
What gets me is you can spot the bullies. They are the ones making excuses for their kids, and their kid's stories are flatly not credible. Or the parents are all chuffed up with pride that their kid is a whiz at beating on someone smaller than they are, or participating in a pack of animals beating on one kid.
Juanita R, Helen L, Maureen H, Kathie B, Leslie H, Shirley K, Elizabeth H, Tommy D, Gary O, Michael S, Jeff B, Wayne C, Isa H, Jeffrey C, .. and yes, I remember their last names too. You see, this shit stays with you for the rest of your life.
I got a bit of closure when one of the above mentioned called me when I was living in CT, asking if I would like to attend HS reunion, for $100 per person.
"You made my life a living hell in grade school and high school, and there is no way I am going to pay for the privilege of revisiting that hell."
She laughed and chirped "Oh, that was so LONG ago. I would have thought you had gotten over that by now."
I absentmindedly rubbed the scar on my cheek from when she or one of her buddies (remember, they travel in packs) set my hair on fire and answered her "Glad to disappoint you." and hung up.
The schools authority.. more useless than tits on a bull. You would get 5 kids who assaulted one kid all parroting the exact same story almost word for word, and they would swallow it hook line and sinker.
And from what I have seen, that blatant stupidity hasn't changed much.
I guess it will change when some rich kid gets bullied to death. Until then... all we can do is be vigilant.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
From Twitter 02-16-2011
- 09:50:32: @current already have. Am holding out for Olberman Podcasts/streaming video, as I'm American living in Oz. I can't subscribe to US cable TV
- 10:35:43: @transcendancing l'd join you but too hot/humid to travel by bus/train.
- 11:23:53: When I think evap ac isn't all that great I go do something outside for 10 - 15 mins. Evap ac house becomes cooled haven.
- 12:36:05: @scottsigler that describes beginning of just about all 'House' episodes. :-)
- 12:37:24: @NathanFillion Think this one can avoid the 'deep freeze'?
- 14:48:34: One 8ft diameter 2ft deep pool is enough to beat the heat. Typing of, going back for another dip.
- 15:14:00: Cloud rolling in. Hope this means rain soon.
- 16:58:59: Just read this on binaries newsgroup: Req: Sarah Palin books..tia (and crayons to go with them)
- 18:37:17: @louise_wise better question is why don't Brits say dud?
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With the clouds comes the promise of rain...
Clouds are gathering and rolling in, and all I am doing is hoping for some much needed rain. The cats have the right of it. Stretched on on cool stone floors under the Evap AC ducts while their human toils away at making their environment clean and tidy. Nothing can upset a cat in hot weather more than a really stanky litter tray, even if two of them use the big sandbox (aka the patch of sand between the shed and orange tree).
Thinking about going back out to the pool just for a quick dip again, but too damned tired to wrassel with the cover again.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
From Twitter 02-15-2011
- 08:07:07: Tea-hadits say Prez Obama is no Reagan. You mean senile, only cares about the ultra wealthy, or likes dealing arms with terrorists?
- 10:00:48: Holy moly, someone wants one of my photographs for publicising. *faint*
- 11:50:31: @resa_challender the resqest blew me away.
- 11:51:44: @resa_challender sorry about typos. Typing on tablet is a learm while doing
- 16:26:42: @prkaye re: lush online. Gee, I have reason to be grateful for allergies!
- 19:02:04: Annoying: having to tweak registry to update Apple software. At least I know how &its relatively painless. :-)
- 20:34:42: @transcendancing aw hon, what happened to blister your feet? :(
- 23:40:35: @transcendancing oh ouch! Commiserations. :(
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I get by with a little help from my friends
Now that I have them copied over to flash drive, I can look at the rest of the photos taken on the day and not worry about building a huge stack to wade through by Friday.
From Twitter 02-14-2011
- 20:57:34: @jonbeckett android to do apps called ToDo task manager & got to do.
- 21:08:59: Decisions decisions. Trying to choose 3 photos out of 11. Even Wing said he would hard time making selection. Have time. Will think on it.
- 22:49:29: @livingartist DUH. :-)
- 22:56:23: Best Valentines day. Wing brought home 1 rose,some chocolates and cooked dinned. I think I'll keep him.
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Monday, February 14, 2011
Compositional Photography Class
Problem in I walked myself into the ground. I have parts of my leg that have little or no feeling. It's a double edged sword. The problem is I can do an injury and not feel it. Case in point, I now have a sprained ankle because I couldn't feel how my left leg was getting weaker and I was shifting all my weight to the other leg. Of course lugging the heavy camera gear back pack and tripod for the better part of 5 hours... well I surprised myself by going the distance. Might have slowed down but I did it, from start to finish.
From Twitter 02-13-2011
- 10:35:32: BAD MOVIE NIGHT! Iron Invader on @Syfy. Syfy and Bad Movie night, last best hope for Stargate actors!
- 13:17:48: @scottsigler well they R same idiots that keep changing END OF THE WORLD dates.
- 22:34:42: All day compositional photog class. Exhausted now.have sprained ankle I can't feel but can see again. Overdid it today&this is the price.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011
Techtoys, and how I love them and Family
I have installed a multi IM program, an IRC program, Twitter, Kindle, and other useful (to me) apps and programs. I think spent a bit of time 'convincing' Mobi ebooks to play nice with Kindle app. Success. Now have to see if I can get EReader books to play nice, too.
Went to dinner with Mom in Law. It was actually a lot of fun, but both Wing and I are worried about her. She is obviously stressed out, and has lost weight again. She was never what you could call robust to begin with, and losing 6 or 7 lbs (2 or three kilos). We went back to her place afterward. Alan and I set up her DVD player with her tv, and I wrote out the instructions, step by step on how to switch from AV (the dvd deck) to DTV (back to the TV)
From Twitter 02-12-2011
- 06:50:55: I caffeinate therefore I am.
- 07:00:35: @resa_challender without coffee all my dogs aren't barking.
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
From Twitter 02-11-2011
- 08:18:01: Waiting outside kardinya PO. Once again notifying me that parcel arrived last week.
- 08:19:36: Just warded off queue jumper. Did she think I was standing here for my health? Or maybe thought I was doorman?
- 11:28:40: Just about ready to rehome Android tablet. Adoption fee $50.Comes w/case keyboard USB dongle&instructions. You'll have to pick it up, no car
- 16:01:17: Suli tablet better than expected. So glad I didn't get Samsung galaxy.
- 17:07:52: @KeithOlbermann billo would fight him for to billing
- 18:16:58: Amazon Kindle pissing me off. Won't say not available out of US when u buy them. Just kicks eror message when u try to open them.
- 18:19:41: The good news is I can convert html into Kindle format and load em up. Go me!
- 21:21:58: @chaosmanor for some odd reason one of your tweets won't scroll & is stuck as 1st tweet. Tried unfollow &re-add. Didn't work
- 21:36:10: Loki&Keito chased stray out of yard. Unfortunately they chased it onto neighbors roof. Sounded like ponies galloping across their roof.
- 22:29:19: @scottsigler Mornings w/o coffee is a hangin' offense!
- 22:52:58: @scottsigler No coffee? I feel your pain. I have too much blood in my caffeine system. :-)
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Friday, February 11, 2011
Android Tablet Review
The only negative thing I can say is "How the heck can I get rid of the air bubbles out from under the included with my purchase screen protector?" but I have that question with every device (phone, mp3player, camera LCD).
It's fast, was a breeze to set up for Mobile broadband, and for Wifi. I loaded an AVI rip from a dvd and nt only did it play it full screen, there was no problem with the audio losing sync with the video.
Audible audio books load up and play beautifully, no static or skipping.
The screen is a dream. Even with the screen protector on, there is no problem with navigation. So far, every Android App I have installing has functioned perfectly without any system crashes or program crashes.
The only kerfuffle I have is this: I had bought two Kindle books the middle of last month. Well, the author/publisher decided after the fact that it was to be only sold in the US, so I can't load those books onto the new device, but they do still work with my phone. After being on the phone with Kindle support for over an hour, and testing it's no fault of Kindle App or Android device. They did accept my feedback that they need to have a separate OZ Amazon, or clearly mark on the site that said book, even the sample, is only to be sold in the US.
No, it doesn't have a camera, but I have one already, and it's not a phone, but again, I have a phone.
From Twitter 02-10-2011
- 08:42:01: @prkaye well, there are always Lebanese cucumbers.
- 09:41:49: Iinet is have a bit of a meltdown. Current connections ok but can't website to new pages or even refresh. Get 'server not found'
- 15:45:52: RT @SexCigarsBooze: The Vatican is against surrogate mothers. Good thing they didn’t have that rule when Jesus was born.
- 15:47:39: The Vatican is against surrogate mothers: Maybe the Pope and the rest of those boneheads should read the story of Hagar and Ishmael.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011
From Twitter 02-09-2011
- 07:17:48: @keitholbermann congrats on gig. Unfortunately channel not on web suscribed tv. Will vid be available after shows?
- 07:27:51: Wing shaved off his mustache. looks strange. http://twitpic.com/3xttfe
- 08:06:29: @narcolepticgoat yes, but after 7 plus yrs did doubletake. Kisses don't tickle anymore. :(
- 10:43:50: @scottsigler loved book. Read in 3hrs. What made you select cows as ancestor stock from.other domesticated farm animals?
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011
From Twitter 02-08-2011
- 08:44:41: Wish journalists stop calling Palin "Governor". She isn't one. She is just Mrs. Palin or Sarah Palin, not Governor Palin.
- 08:44:55: Better yet, stop giving this airhead airtime!
- 08:59:27: @angriest the proper address is "Former Governor *INSERTNAMEHERE*". But she quit half way thru term.
- 09:09:33: @angriest BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!
- 23:52:41: @scottsigler Careful. Your pup would make nice coyote snack
- 23:53:14: Crash and burn time. Need to stack some serious Zzzzzs
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Another reason to keep at least one WinXp machine going here
I took a deep breath, and dug out a rather antiquated Acer laptop (AcerClone) and ran active sync and selected "Restore". Oh thank heavens, it all restored. Right now I have the device on the breakfast bar laptop creating a new back up out there so I don't have to dig out the antiquated one.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The 2011 Pergola Project
Got someone out here to measure, decide and he said he will get back to me with an estimate. This is good. What isn't good is the fewking Melville Council. We aren't adding to the house, we are replacing something that is an original part of the house, that had that tree fallen on it last year, instead of missing it, would have been fixed without an eyeblink from them. But now, because it's just old and rotting without the tree landing on it we have to jump through hoops, with this permit that permit, all of which adds to the cost.
We aren't adding on. We are replacing/repairing dry rotting property. Why the f*ck to they have to make it so damned difficult. Send someone out here, take a look, no need for all this bullshit.
From Twitter 02-07-2011
- 07:22:22: BooRAH! Managed to get up, all pets fed, coffee brewed in time for Superbowl. Problem:Wing has cold and is a bit whiney.Maybe I can drug him
- 07:23:05: Say what you like about her, Christine Agueleria can SING.
- 07:32:29: Superbowl dedication: Watching in in Australia, with idiotic Oz commentators, and streaming TV on the web to catch the ads.
- 07:34:45: KICKOFF! Good return for the first play! #Superbowl
- 07:37:37: HOLY SHIT! Dropped punt! #Superbowl
- 07:38:22: #Supebowl Greenbay recovered! Phew! Don't DO that again!
- 07:40:57: Won my bet with myself. First penalty against Pittsburg. #Superbowl
- 07:49:27: #Superbowl Great plays, great defense both teams.
- 07:55:35: #Superbowl Sorry Pittsburg, that is a first down.
- 07:59:37: I think I just disturbed neighbors Whooping. Oh well, sucks to be them! #Superbowl
- 08:00:47: TOUCHDOWN GREENBAY!!!!!! #Superbowl
- 08:07:35: 1st Interception of the game, TOUCHDOWN! GREENBAY! #superbowl
- 08:15:50: #Superbowl Roethlesberger faking bum knee to drop GBs guard?
- 08:25:24: Just about did a spit take with that "Tiny dancer" ad.
- 08:32:36: #Superbowl Love the Coke ad, but then I am an old AD&D player.
- 08:35:01: #Superbowl Loved the Volkswagon commercial. Reminds of me of friend in S.C.
- 08:40:20: #Superbowl Richard Lewis might be whiney, but dayam he is funny.
- 08:42:08: 2nd interception by GB! WOOT! #Superbowl
- 08:45:27: TOUCHDOWN Greenbay!!! WOOT! #Superbowl
- 08:47:50: @KeithOlbermann You should have heard the Aussie SB commentators past 2 yrs. They said Bucs and Saints were going to lose.
- 08:51:10: @ThisIsRobThomas Nope, I want to see Greenbay win.
- 08:57:52: Figures the only way Steelers could score is when 2 key players from Greenbay are in the locker room. #Superbowl
- 09:08:05: Just in case Aussie TV station doesn't air the halftime show, I have streaming webcast of game. About a 30 lag though. Not bad. #Superbowl
- 09:11:55: Oh look, live version of Hasbro Lite-Brite. #Superbowl
- 09:13:26: Ok, Slash makes up for it. Wish Axl was on the stage, though. #Superbowl
- 09:22:06: #Superbowl 45 halftime sponsored by Hasbro Lite-Brite.
- 09:26:34: @Syfy Don't insult Virginia Hey like that!
- 09:31:17: Dammit Woodson is out with collarbone injury. #superbowl
- 09:39:30: LOL! Took down an audio guy on the sideline #Superbowl Bets the guy brags about it later?
- 09:48:50: Where the ^$%$$ is the defense! #Superbowl
- 09:59:47: F&&K YEAH! Steelers QB sacked! #Superbowl
- 10:10:58: Williams retaliated, but what about 88 grabbing his face mask afterward?
- 10:13:45: @KeithOlbermann but what about Steeler 88 grabbing his face mask afterward? No penalty for that.
- 10:14:08: I'd challenge that one too. #Superbowl
- 10:16:41: Swain had it tucked in crook in his arm, was torn out by Steeler. Recovered by GB. Bad calls make for tight games. #Superbowl
- 10:21:41: All Greenbay has to do is hold the line, allow no score. #Superbowl
- 10:25:01: Greenbay steals ball again! 3rd time! Woot! #Superbowl
- 10:27:53: I'm gettin' too old for this $hit! #Superbowl
- 10:29:22: @KeithOlbermann RE: MVP.. you were saying?
- 10:30:47: TOUCH DOWN!!! Greenbay! WOOT!!!!!! #Superbowl
- 10:39:44: @ThisIsRobThomas That's ok. We forgive you. ;)
- 10:42:46: DAMMIT! Where was the coverage! #Superbowl
- 10:53:35: @ThisIsRobThomas No, but this 'fat lady' is hyperventilating! GO GREENBAY!
- 10:59:40: Two minutes! Get your shit together (homage to George Carlin) #Superbowl
- 11:04:04: DAMMIT! Just lost sound and picture! Now have Spanish audio! C'mon! #Superbowl
- 11:05:37: GREEN BAY WINS SUPERBOWL 45! The Fat Lady is singing! #Superbowl
- 11:05:57: @ThisIsRobThomas THIS Fat lady is singing now! #superbowl
- 11:07:01: Lombardi Trophy finds its way home! #Superbowl
- 11:09:20: Ubiquitous GatorAde Coach soaking! #Superbowl
- 11:13:23: @scottsigler dayam, that was a good tight game. I think I pissed off neighbors whooping and hollering. Sucks to be them!
- 11:29:45: #Superbowl I make no excuses http://t.co/fT1Zext
- 11:36:48: @TheEllenShow http://twitpic.com/3xapfa - I cheered so loud, I scared my cats, and my voice is cracking now. Congrats Green bay!!!
- 15:27:13: @AaronRodgers12 Congrats from Australia! Watched it live. You&your team RAWKED! Probably startled neighbors whooping&yelling thru the game.
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Monday, February 7, 2011
I make no excuses
Both teams get a hat tip for good sportsmanship (there were a few minor kerfuffles, but nothing bad). Steelers Coach Mike Tomlin, kudos for being a class act even in defeat.
Congrats Green Bay! Lombardi Trophy has found its way back home.
From Twitter 02-06-2011
- 11:34:06: think he is impatient to head out NOW! http://twitpic.com/3wy9a2
- 12:06:07: People in parking lots suddenly ambulatorily challenged Or lazy? Plenty spaces 30 sec walk from shops.
- 17:22:20: Went to Northbridge to see CNY Lion dancers. Other festival dancers there too. Got great pics.
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Sunday In Northbridge
Oh it was so amazing when she was educated by all of us, in a round robin, tag time style that we were well within our rights to not only to take photos (public place, public event etc) that as long as we weren't using them for promotional advertisements, that we can sell them if we so choose to. Love the 'I am a goldfish on land' look she gave us.
Here is one of the photos I took. This young lady is an inspiration. She is 35 yrs old. That isn't the amazing thing. She is 35 and has the worst variety of Cystic Fibrosis. There is something in her genetic make up that allows her body to cope with the CF with only minimal problems. And she is so effervescent and loves life.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
From Twitter 02-05-2011
- 08:35:57: @KeithOlbermann Michael Taube is proof of those who can't do, review. What did you do to him? Step on his puppy?
- 08:44:28: 1st sip of percolated coffee... I feel brain starting to function.
- 10:02:18: @markos Anti-PP aren't pro-life. They're pro-birth. Once fetus born, they care less. Once female impregnated, she's nothing but incubator.
- 21:12:26: Got new monopod. So did Wing. At least we don't have matching shirts when we go on photoshoots.. oh wait. we do!
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Saturday, February 5, 2011
From Twitter 02-04-2011
- 08:44:00: @NarcolepticGoat He has one, but I think he was trying to catch breeze thru screen door.
- 09:19:06: Listening to Beck, Limbaugh or other GOP mouthpieces is hazardous to your IQ.
- 09:42:34: via @huffingtonpost: PaganDancer: Hey, Murdoch... do you think Mr Olbermann would, even in http://huff.to/dVHZvJ via @huffingtonpost
- 12:55:58: Getting eyes examined. Here's hoping headaches go away
- 14:17:36: Turns out lens in right eye 10 degrees off axis. No wonder kept getting headaches!
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Eye exam
Came home, and started wilting. Decided to get acquainted with the pool. Uncovered it to find it crystal clear, and no signs of life in it. Cool bliss.
Also had my next QuickFlix DVDs. Tim Burtons "Alice in Wonderland". It was great.
Called "Hire A Hubby" to schedule the replacing of the rotted pergola with more sturdy materials. It's not going to be cheap, but if it's not done, the damage when (not if) it falls could pull part roof or wall down with it.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Neighbors have a new car
I use grey water (washing machine run off as long as bleach wasn't used), on my potted plants, and only use garden hose if needed to spray water directly into them. I don't use sprinklers, traded my 12ft pool for 8ft pool and keep it covered. I'm still nagging Aikidomayland to get a rainwater tank. I save and cut back on water usage.
And then I see an ass like this, with their English Cottage Garden, washing their effing car all all the time!
I guess the drought is only on MY side of the street.
From Twitter 02-03-2011
- 06:49:16: @SyfyUpdate Might have had that many viewers, but how many, like me, turned it off in under 15 mins.
- 08:11:18: @KeithOlbermann We need you! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/02/bill-oreilly-moon-tides_n_817723.html
- 08:13:25: Egyptian protest was peaceful, until mounted thugs decided to come in swinging with clubs and throwing rocks at the protesters.
- 09:06:00: @KeithOlbermann RE:Billo and othersuch. Have you ever considered podcasts? (Yes, I know I have asked before)
- 09:08:21: @KeithOlbermann Chances are his science textbooks was tilted "GOD DID IT".
- 09:09:37: @chrislhayes I have too much blood in my caffeine system.
- 11:02:44: You know its getting hot when cats are spawled out like throw rugs on stone floor.
- 11:15:14: Loki sprawls on stone floor to cool off, but still likes to have something pillow his head. http://twitpic.com/3vyihs
- 12:13:01: Favorite WP7 app. APOD. Astronomy pic of the day.
- 22:15:04: What is the air speed of a haggis laden swallow? #famousmoviequotesmadebetterwithhaggis
- 22:31:27: I need the old blade runner, I need your haggis. #famousmoviequotesmadebetterwithhaggis
- 22:35:43: Haggis. It is a difficult concept. #famousmoviequotesmadebetterwithhaggis Ok, I'm going to bed now.
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Note to self:
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Donator Guilt
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
If you're going to copy paste story from US
My opinion: for the longest time, religious orgainsations never recognized civil unions as marriages. If you don't believe me, a 30 second search on Google (or search engine of your choice) will confirm that.
But now that same sex couples want to have civil unions, all the hypocritical religious leaders and their followers who claim to be Christians are gnashing their teeth, wailing, and tearing at their clothes about how these civil unions are marriages, and that it will destroy society.
#1: the arguments these 'Christians' are using were used before, but about multi ethnic marriages (case in point, mine) In some instances it was deemed a criminal criminal act for someone perceived to be 'white' to marry an African, or Asian, that society would crumble. Guess what, hayseeds! Didn't happen then. This argument was wrong then, and is wrong now.
#2: Jesus didn't say diddly squat about homosexuals, or homosexuality. So all you Christians have got to stop using the Old Testament.
#3: No one is asking or telling heteros that they have to marry same sex partner, so it will have ZERO impact on you, your marriage or society.
#4 Marriages weren't always 'holy' or "Sanctified'. They used to be nothing more than contracts between families, and/or towns. Ceremonies performed by local town elders.
So, give it up, go home, read whatever version of the New testament you have, and keep your nose out of other peoples bedrooms. Unless you are one of the parties involved, it doesn't concern you.
From Twitter 01-31-2011
- 01:12:26: Another late night. Wonder if l'll wake up with headache again. Sinceely Hope not.
- 09:19:43: @NarcolepticGoat Yooooo hoooo! Thanks. Sent pic to them. They apologised
- 19:50:43: Sunset&surf photosession. Surf was tamer than expected. Sunset was glorious&colorful.
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After conferring with <a href="http://shadoutcarver.livejournal.com/"><b>ShadoutCarver</b></a>
Yes, it has a capacitive screen, and when it arrives, I will put it through its paces. Then I shall post my review.
Nerdz Rule!