My opinion: for the longest time, religious orgainsations never recognized civil unions as marriages. If you don't believe me, a 30 second search on Google (or search engine of your choice) will confirm that.
But now that same sex couples want to have civil unions, all the hypocritical religious leaders and their followers who claim to be Christians are gnashing their teeth, wailing, and tearing at their clothes about how these civil unions are marriages, and that it will destroy society.
#1: the arguments these 'Christians' are using were used before, but about multi ethnic marriages (case in point, mine) In some instances it was deemed a criminal criminal act for someone perceived to be 'white' to marry an African, or Asian, that society would crumble. Guess what, hayseeds! Didn't happen then. This argument was wrong then, and is wrong now.
#2: Jesus didn't say diddly squat about homosexuals, or homosexuality. So all you Christians have got to stop using the Old Testament.
#3: No one is asking or telling heteros that they have to marry same sex partner, so it will have ZERO impact on you, your marriage or society.
#4 Marriages weren't always 'holy' or "Sanctified'. They used to be nothing more than contracts between families, and/or towns. Ceremonies performed by local town elders.
So, give it up, go home, read whatever version of the New testament you have, and keep your nose out of other peoples bedrooms. Unless you are one of the parties involved, it doesn't concern you.
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