Now, I'm not a professional writer and I do have a habit of repeating certain words, especially at the start of sentences. However, when professional writers, or speakers for that matter, keep overusing phrases and terms, not only does it show lack of imagination, but laziness.
1: "Gate" - tacking the word 'gate' at the end of every scandal, real or imagined. The name of the hotel was Watergate. That doesn't mean every f**king scandal needs to have the word gate. Find another, for shits sake, there are plenty out there.
2: "So-Called" - majorly misused when "self called" or "self styled" would be the appropriate term.
3: "Tropes" - during a discussion panel with two prominent authors, the word "Trope" was used 37 times in one hour. The irony of the overuse of this word is not lost on me.
These three are my biggest bugbears. And this list is subject to additions and changes without notice.
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