Tuesday, November 8, 2016

If you can't out stubborn a cat, out think her!

Ziggy, like I, have been hammered by allergies due to controlled burn-offs.

Problem is getting her medication into her. She is a small cat, but so so strong, it takes two of us to scruff her, hold her, open her mouth to get 1/4 of a pill into her.

As I don't like doing that way all the time, I hid her antihistamine in her meat..  a bit of a pill, about the size of a sesame seed. She ate all the meat all around it, avoiding it.

*sigh*  LIGHTBULB!

When she wasn't looking I squished the meat juice soaked piece of pill on my fingertip. Made a noise that made her look at me, then pointed at her, and when she went to sniff, I rubbed it on the inside of her gums.

*slurp slurp*  Dirty look.

Mission accomplished!

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