The biggest reason I was in a panic over the Windows 10 installation disaster is my desktop decided to just stop.... Video froze, it hard locked, and just stopped.
So, when I reset/rebooted, nothing... totally dead. Alan tested video card in his computer, all good. He took the power supply out of his and tried it in mine, nope, no power up.
I called PC Case Gear, pretty much in tears and explained what had happened (including the Win10 crapola). He immediately informed me my motherboard and CPU were under warranty, sent me a prepaid shipping label t print out and to send both the CPU and motherboard to them and I will be sorted out.
So, I will have to deal with laptop for a few weeks, but that's better than having to get a new computer.
Oh yeah, I also installed the utility that removes all the Windows 10 files and nagging. Not going through THAT again!
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