Friday, April 16, 2010

Trip to the Rx today

there are only a few things more frustrating than to have a doctor twiddle his thumbs or keep proscribing the same useless methods to correct a problem.

Even before the back drama, Dr N had been just slowly upping my dose of Thyroxine and telling me to change my diet, and exercise more. Well, I did to the point of my heel splitting open on more than one occasion, and fainting because of very low caloric intake. So what did he say the last time? Diet and exercise and see this dietitian! I did,and was told my diet was near perfect.

So, Tuesday I called to make an appointment with Dr N to go through the same old useless "diet and exercise" while my weight kept going up my health declined, only to find out he no longer practiced there. Ok, hows about I make an appointment to see whoever is taking over his cases.

Enter Dr H. Saw him today, and explained about the history and the visit with dietitian. He, unlike Dr N, admitted that I am limited in what exercises I can do due to spinal implant, and partial paralysis in my left leg. Hully gee, that sort of surprised me, as Dr N kept on that if I kept pushing myself I would suddenly become a super athlete(?) totally disregarding that nerve damage isn't fixable by pumping iron, or trying to run, but I digress.

I discussed my history prior to the back drama, about how I used to teach 5 90 min dance classes a week, and have at least one weekly one hour performanc, and my weight kept creeping up. Dr H was rather surprised that all Dr N did was slooooooooooowly increase thyroxine and kept telling me to 'diet and exercise' when I was obviously doing some very 'cardio' activities already!

So, I asked him "What do I have to do? Wait until I balloon up,slide into diabetes, or have a heart attack before something is done?" I told him that Aikidomayland has been on the almost identical diet as I have been on and he has lost 3kgs! Imagine my surprise when Dr H actually took what I said seriously. We discussed different things, including gastric banding, but agreed that I don't have a problem with appetite or what I eat so that was dismissed (I fessed up that while I ws living in NY, I was borderline Anorexic, so NOT eating wasn't an issue with me).

After discussing all the alternatives, I am on a slightly adjusted Plan of action! Thryroxine increased to 150mgs a day, and a new medication to help with the insulin resistance. Diabex. It will lower my blood sugar, forcing my body to use the excess insulin, hopefully also forcing my metabolism to start behaving accordingly and start losing weight. Then the insulin levels will go down.

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