Wednesday, June 12, 2019

PostOp Check up

The wound is healing nicely, no signs of inflammation or redness.  Dressings were changed (dayam, having that 'surgical glue' plug removed fricken HURT!). Saw Dr S, and when I told him that the 'help' vanished because one day I didn't use the crutches around the house, and I was doing deep knee bends/squats to get things cleaned, he told me to have a discussion with Wing  and Alan.  I promised I would (and I did) and then off to the physio.

New physio, Simon.  First off, nice sadist, like all physiotherapists. But he was left kind of out in the dark, so I had to give him a quick rundown of my past medical history.  That took a while.  He also agreed that doing things like feeding the cats, or cleaning litterboxes needs to be done by someone else for a while, because we are trying to recover from compartment syndrome, not re-create it.

Then it was time for business. Poke, prod, stretch, rotate, twist. You know, the usual things.  I have to say, that even though the rehab exercises are simple, they're tiring!

Leg hurts like hell now, too.  Time for "Better living through Chemistry" aka take what Dr S prescribed.

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