Got to the Doc, and he ordered xrays. Got em done, went to Garden City to get refunds from Medicare (yes, that evil SOCIALISED medicine, works great) and waited for the films to be developed and examined. Had some sashimi and grilled seafood Japanese style while waiting.
Got films, headed back to Doc. A rather somber Wing comes out.
Degenerative narrowing of the C5/6 and C6/7, slight narrowing of C4/5. Lipping is present at the vertebral margins. Small osteophytes (bone spurs) encroaching into the canal from behind, most prominent at C5/6.
Facet joints are generally intact, slight degenerative change is present at C2/3 and C7/T1. The atlanto-axial joints are intact.
Diagnosis: cervical spondylosis, disc degeneration and foraminal stenosis.
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