Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend catch up

Didn't go to archery, giving Aikidomayland's neck the full week recovery it needed. He might grump about it, but I would rather not have him going through a relapse.

Went to see MomInLaw. The last time I had seen her, she was very uncomfortable with me there, so I told Aikidomayland that I would only see her socially when she invited me, when she felt comfortable. Got the invite on Saturday and went over yesterday.

She is still so frightfully thin, but not as bad as she was a few months ago. She was talking to me about how the pain is keeping her from eating and putting some weight back on, and I softly told her "An, if I could take all the pain away I would do so this instant. You will never get over this, but you will get past it, to where it will hurt less, and be easier to bear." She was surprised, and said "My friend told the exact same thing." We are making sure that we are there if she needs us for anything, but not smothering so she doesn't lose her independence.

It got warm! I am in heaven. OF course, we have two puddles of fur laying out like throw rugs on the stone floor.

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