Thursday, October 30, 2008

So tired

To put it none too delicately, my ass is dragging.  This getting up earlier for Day light savings is just gah! Oh yeah, too all the Poms who threatened to go back to England if W.A. doesn't keep DLS, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. 85% of Western Australians don't want it. If you want an 'extra hour' of day light, get your ass out of bed an hour earlier.

Computer isn't quite 100%, as I keep running into small things, like Peer Guardian not having the 'allowed' list I had built up, might have the DVD burning software but it's bunged because of being from a back up, so hunt for the installation software, when found tear out the faulty one, reinstall.  Repeat as necessary.

I had one royal run around again. The installed NTI Dvd/CD maker software wasn't working, and the restoration version wasn't working. So, I contact Acer  and explain the situation. I get reply that I need to contact NTI about it, so I did. Three guesses what their reply was...  It's an OEM problem so I have to contact Acer and have them rectify it.

ARGH!  So fine, I 'fixed' it my way. Found and downloaded a copy of my 'busted' version and installed. Problem solved.

Sold a few artworks, so that's good.

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