Thursday, March 18, 2021

Yeah, definitely feeling like Job

Spinal Fusion because of a collapsed disc. (chronic back pain since)
Gall Bladder Removal
Bad fall in Denmark, W.A. (bruised entire right side, lost chunk of meat on right palm. Probable scaphoid injury.)
Inflamed mass removed from back (turned out to be ruptured cyst)
Injured knee tripping over Wing's shoes.
Total knee replacement.
Car accident 5 months later.
5 more months of knee rehab.
Fall in Broome.
Walking Pneumonia
Hemi-dystonic seizures
Fasciotomy for compartment syndrome
Enesthopathy (acute plantar fasciitis)
Vertically fracture molar due to clenching teeth in pain.

And just as I was getting things back to normal, my cat jumped on my knee last August and injured it.

I'm tired.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Tick tock tick tock tick tock

Time and days keep moving forward, but I feel stuck in loop.

I've had three different doctors, specialist, etc etc, look at my knee and I will sum up their findings:

My knee is borked enough to make my life rather miserable, keeping me mostly housebound, or on just short trips, with a healthy dose of neuropathy, but not bad enough to have remedial surgery/measure.

I'm trying to stay upbeat, but I'm tired. Tired of plastering a smile on my face, putting up cheery conversation, when all I really want to do is put my head under a pillow and cry.

I am on medications galore, and one of them makes me queasy, dizzy, dry mouthed,  and drowsy. Two others make me drowsy, another will give me horrible acid reflux unless enough 'with food' is eaten. And two of them give me another problem, but I'm going to give that description a miss.

I've been told that the symptoms from the first one I described 'should' go away after a few weeks.  Anyone else ever want to ask the doctors  "Define 'a few weeks', please."?

I will muddle through, leg propped on foot stool, Loki snugged up next to me, and hope for the best.