Friday, October 21, 2022

There's physiotherapy

And there is household chores.  Both leave you achey, stiff and sore. From the neck down. But with cleaning up the house, scrubbing, washing, sweeping, you can see progress.

Trying to bridge using my left leg only not only hurts like hell, I can't DO it. Ever since the calcified disc collapsed, and I had a spinal fusion, my left leg has been weak. I can push 120kgs on the leg press with both legs, or with the right leg alone. 25kgs and my knee is stuck on my chest.  If this wasn't the case, I wouldn't have a whole bunch of unused dancing gear.

But, you know something? I feel bad if I let the physiotherapist down.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Want to know what's weird?

Weird is the feeling of kneeling down on the floor with two total knee replacements.  It doesn't 'hurt', but feels really weird.  Good news, the item I was looking for was under the bed. Yay.

Weird is also when it's quiet in the house, I can hear my knees clicking and clacking as I walk.  *squick*  I will start humming or singing a song to drown the sound out.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Brain-fog is a real thing

And not only does it make you feel that everything around you dull and colorless. Thinks you have to do sink into that fog, and you're constantly chastising yourself for not remembering, or remembering too late to do something.  So, I put reminders and clues that certain things need to be done (floral arrangement for my mother's birthday, pet insurance for Drax, printing out test results etc etc)

Part of the problem is that I am tired all the time. Hoping the test results result in doctor actually doing something, instead of just say "lose weight" (which I am already doing)