Friday, September 9, 2011

I guess they forgot it was live video

But whenever President Obama mentioned anything that even intimated that the tax breaks/loopholes/breaks for the wealthy and corporations were going to go away, there was suddenly a sea of GOP "cat asses".. aka pucked with disapproval GOP mouths. They aren't worried about jobs, because they have one already, their health care is on the taxpayers dime.

Cantor, not 5 minutes out of the hall started spinning the jobs plan. I listened to him. I can't understand how after all the obstructionism the GOP has been pulling, that people will actually believe what's falling out of his mouth.

So with like with the Healthcare reform, is the GOP is going to try gut it to make it next to useless. What I liked about the president's speech is it stated in quite clearly: the plans for the jobs incorporates things that the GOP were all for. Now, if they suddenly start dragging their heels, or try to gut it I just hope that republican VOTERS (not donators and bribers) finally see them for what they are. Money grubbing bought and paid for cronies who have forgotten they are supposed to be servants of the people, not there for billionaires and corporations and special interest groups, but PEOPLE. What has to happen for the GOP to clue up? Does a bridge have to collapse, killing someone wealthy before they realise that the bridges and roads need to be repaired?

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