Thursday, February 15, 2018

Today, the part of a pincushion was played by me

Saw Matt the Physio as scheduled. But before I went in, I marked on my shin and ankle where I was having pain.  It's no where near as bad as it was after Christmas last year, but it's enough to slow me down and stop me from doing activities.

He poked, prodded, twisted and flexed.  After all of that, acupuncture on the piriformis, and down the right side of my shin.  He pressed on one area and the pain spiked where the lowest needle was inserted.  Gave that one a bit of a ping to get it to vibrate.   After 15 minutes, i did have relief, but it didn't last.

Matt said the soreness along the top of the foot is a symptom, not the cause, of the shin pain. Because the shin hurts, I'm not holding my foot quite right, so it hurts when I walk. My shin hurts because I'm doing more.. more walking, more time on the bike, more domestic chores, and gardening.   But as it's no longer level 7 pain, but 5 that drops to an annoying 3, it is improving. 

Also, today, I was able to bend my knee to 127 degrees.  Matt's holding out for 130 degrees.

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