Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Thanks to the honest pharmacy person

Because of the knee replacement, my right foot and ankle have an issue with swelling. Doesn't matter how active or inactive I am, it puffs up. Doesn't hurt, but is uncomfortable, and rather unsightly. A pudgy baby foot only looks good on a baby, not an adult.
I have tried ankle support, you know, for athletes, but each one was either too tight, or too far up the leg.

So, back the thanks to the pharmacy person.  I was looking to see if an adjustable version of an ankle strap would be better, and she came up to me and asked if I needed assistance.  I explained the above paragraph, and she showed me a less expensive product, that I could cut to suit. If not getting enough compression with one layer, it could be doubled up, increasing the compression.  Well, it works at 1/4 the price.

Kudos to her.  It's small things.

Update on the dystonia/seizure issue: haven't had a full blown one for over 2 months.  Still getting the warning signs of when one starts, but now that I recognize it, I can forestall it (massaging, deep breathing)  Change up in medication is doing its job... when I remember to take it. It's already in a pill caddy, but I still forget.  Activity levels have been increasing slowly. The numbers had plummeted when the dystonia attacks happened. Every one made my body felt as if I fell down a long flight of stairs.. like the stairs in the Washington Monument.  I was barely getting 1500 steps a day, zero time on the stationary bike (even trying to get on it would start a episode), and no cooking. Can you imagine me trying to use sharp knives or boiling water when I was having between 4 to 12 seizures a day.

Getting close to the 10k mark, and over 30 minute on the bike.  I would have never thought I would be cheerful about doing laundry, cooking meals, vacuuming floors, taking care of the purr kids.

I just want to get back to the level I was when we went to Broome. Then keep improving from there.

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