Friday, June 20, 2008

Let me 'splain. No, would take too long. Let me sum up.

Good news is my friend who was in danger of losing his job because of psycho manager is still employed. Seems after he snapped and yelled back at her, and was told he wasn't to come back on the premises until the 'performance review', the psycho manager locked herself in her office and cried for two hours straight. At the review, she admitted she mishandled the situation and was at fault for the dust up. But (you knew that was coming) he now has a 'final warning' write up. At least he can look for work while not worrying about paying the bills.

Went to the gym last night. Some gym bunnies were reading magazines, yakking, and socialising on the recumbent bikes. So, I stupidly decided, instead of waiting, to try the rowing machine again. Bad move. After 10 reps, it felt as if the scar tissue had torn. Oh ouch. Bunnies finally left, flouncing and retouching their make up, and I got to use the bike. Was only able to do half my usual time on it. Did manage to do full work out with weight machines.

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