Sunday, June 15, 2008

Not a good day

Went to the gym last night, and did more than usual on the bike. Over 30 minutes this time around. Now that I found out the reason I was having such a problem with it was due to foot straps being too tight I have improved my time on the bike each time I go to the gym.  Extra weight on the weight machines too.

But today, while pillaging (aka grocery shopping) it was all I could do to finish it. I am quite sure if I had 100% of the feeling in my left leg it would have been hurting like hell. My back was spasming in a way that was telling me my left leg wasn't working quite right, and the right side of my back, and right leg were were protesting in full voice at having to take up the slack.

Then was the fun of putting things away. *wince* Have taken pain meds, something I have been trying to not do.  I really don't like giving in, but sometimes you just have to.

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