Thursday, July 7, 2011

Home.. sweetish home

Monday night 6:30 pm I started having a stomach ache. I did all the usual tummy ache cures, to no avail. It quickly escalated into KILLMENOW pain. When I started having trouble breathing, I got out the phone and called Meegan. Daggles answered the phone, and when he asked I how I was going, I told him not good, I needed to get to the ER.

By the time he and Meegan arrived, I was banging my head against the wall, writhing in pain.

Got to the ER, I fell out of the car onto my hands and knees and crawled into a wheelchair. Triage took one look at me, trundled me back into the curtained rooms, and asked me just one question: are you allergic to any medications. I gasped out no. They then proceeded to inject me with morphine. 10 grains, no effect. 20 grains, no effect, 30 grains and I became a bit more 'aware' of the world around me. Then a different pain med was added, and blessed relief. Was stoned off my gourd, but able to function and answer questions.

Head of ER called in ultra sound tech, and while I was waiting, I got xrayed. Xrays were clear. Ultrasound showed a gall stone, one fewking gall stone blocked the neck of the gall bladder.

Some more pain management, while they were looking for a opening in the surgical schedule. One was found for 9Am Tuesday morning (this worked fine for me as I had been in the ER overnight being prepped)

I was scheduled for immediate surgery.

I woke up with the KILLMENOW pain gone. It was replaced by "I think I just did 200 sit ups too many". After meeting certain criteria, I was allowed to go home this afternoon. Wow, gall bladder removal is a 'day surgery'. Thank goodness for Laproscopic sugery!

I'm sore, hiccups aren't fun right now, and coughing I could live with out, but overall I'm a helluva lot better than I was on Monday. My thanks to all, and you know who I am referring to.

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