Monday, October 1, 2018

Recovering from Pneumonia and Battling Tendinopathy

The biggest issue right now, is the smoke from controlled burn offs making my chest all tight, and being short of breath again. Asthma, pnemuonia and smoke.. not a great combination.

After three visits with the physio (ow) and some targeted exercises (again, ow) I have been slowing getting back up to the time I was logging in on my stationary bike. Matt said don't try to do 30 minutes. He recommended (and I followed the recommendation) I start with 10 minutes, and then add a minute a day. After two weeks, I'm up to 25 minutes.  I’m also using my rolling pin as a massaging tool on the tendons around the knee.  It seems to help with over tight feeling around the kneecap.

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