Monday, November 9, 2009

After a careful examinations

We have more reason to despise that previous owner of Simba and Lucy.

Simba is at least 30% under what his body mass should be, and has folds of skin hanging. He is the first cat I have ever seen that has split ends on his fur. And it's so coarse and rough. He has dermatitis, probably due to piss poor diet and no grooming, and allergy affected eyes. Luckily we have the medicated eye ointment to treat them. After one treatment, his eyes stopped weeping. Will get dosed twice a day for a week.

Lucy: that poor little muffin must have been slapped or hit, because when you go to pet or brush her, she squints her eyes down, flattens her ears to the sides, and ducks. She does relax once she realises that it's pats she is getting.

The both of them are protein starved, and eat 5 serves of meat, fish, or quality canned food a day. Lucy eats a bit less of it than Simba, as she isn't as underweight as Simba is (probably was at least catching mice when she got out) but he will finish what she leaves. After just 3 days of proper feeding, and twice a day gentle grooming, Simba is showing a few patches of the gold glint on his fur. Lucy's fur is also getting softer in patches.

They both are starting to come into the house. Simba has made himself more at home indoors than Lucy. Probably because her ex humans used to keep her locked in the attic of their house. It's all good. She comes in a bit further every time.

Lucy soaking up some afternoon sun.

Simba lounging in the lounge!

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