Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Short of anything untoward happening

I am finished with Physiotherapist. I do have a 'penciled in' appointment for the 3rd of January, but unless there's something wrong, or goes wrong, I probably won't need.

The Shin Cramps: turns out the cramping is because of properly walking heel to toe. The muscle along the tibia is getting a work out, and it's not so much cramping, but just angry muscle from being used correctly.  Matt did some acupuncture on the area, and it was funny watching the needles vibrate as the muscle complained, then settled down.  Instructed to 'roll a tennis ball' firmly over the area. Also, if I lift the foot, and allow the leg to just dangle a bit, the pain/cramp subsides.

I also asked Matt about how much time it's taking, as a few people claimed that in two or three weeks, relatives/friends with total knee replacements were out doing stuff like mountain climbing and hiking. He slowly shook his head, and said "Not a chance. Takes 6 to 8 weeks for the surgical incision to heal. Mountain climbing or hiking would tear it open after two or three weeks."  MAYBE if what they had was laproscopic, but even then, the surgeons instructions would be minimum of 4 to 6 weeks. He also said that my recovery is well beyond average.

So, I can keep doing the rehab exercises as needed (yes, I need them in the morning as the knee/leg is typically quite stiff), and then have occasional reviews with Matt and Mr Skinner, but for all intents I've been set free!

I still have a ways to go, but it will be done by daily living now.

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