Sunday, November 4, 2018

Where to begin

After a week of the proscribed medications, I was still having the dystonia seizures. I can't describe how it feels to have your body trying to force itself into geometrical angles where there shouldn't be.

I did what I was instructed to do, I went back to the Emergency Department (why? Because the soonest I could get to see a Neurologists is December 12th)

While waiting to see a doctor, I had a seizure.  My son, and a ward nurse were there to help immediately. After waiting another hour, I got to see a doctor.  Or should I say he brusquely spoke to me.  Then he left, saying he was getting some information for me.

While I was waiting, I was asked if I could move to the ambulatory waiting room, as they were swamped.  No problem.  Alan and I went there, each of us sitting in a chair waiting.  The doctor showed up, and asked us to follow him. I stood up, took three steps and started having another seizure.  The 'doctor' saw what was happening, said "Oh, I'll be back when when you're finished." and walked off and left me there, in extreme pain, with my son preventing me from falling to the floor.  After the seizure was over, my heart was racing, and I was gasping for air. 

The 'doctor' showed up and gestured for us to follow him, and then disappeared again.  I presumed he was getting me information.

He was. He handed me a fucking POST-IT note with a web address.  And then he just walked away.

Wing  and I had a conference call with two friend, filling in some of the details of the useless visit to Fiona Stanley Hospital.

Yes, I had a seizure while waiting to be seen, but I also had another one when the doctor asked me to follow him, and when he saw what was happening, he said "I'll be back when you're done." No offer of assistance, help not even a comment. He just walked off. If it hadn't been for Alan, my son, I would have landed on the floor.

This is NOT acceptable behavior, and Wing, Daryl, and Meegan said I should lodge a complaint.

So, I have lodged a complaint against the 'doctor' that was treating me, watched me having a seizure and said "I'll be back when you're finished'. Person taking the complaint said that behavior was unprofessional and unacceptable.

Complaint has been written up, and filed. Maybe he will learn to be a bit more empathetic.
I still don't feel any better. If anything, emotionally, I feel worse.

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