Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ah the joy of new kitties

Doesn't matter if it's a kitten, or a new adult cat, the adjustment to a new household can give lots of amusement.

Both Loki and Ziggy like playing with a certain feather tease toy. This object as been a great way to get all the cats in the same room together where they can become accustomed to each other, sans hissing, and a method to get Ziggy feeling more comfortable in her new forever home.

Aikidomayland was kept up later than he wanted by Ziggy. I had put the feather toy away, but she hunted around until she found it, and with a mouthful of feathers, proceeded to show Aikidomayland she wanted to play some more, NOW!

This morning, after he went to work, I went to tend to the birds and noticed the wood stove door was open. Not just ajar, but open. I looked inside at the thin layer of ash. Sure enough, there were paw prints, dainty small ones and larger pug marks, inside of it, on the floor around it, and on furniture in the room.

'Princess' Ziggy enthroned on an antique table.

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