Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Started off pretty good.

Meegan and I went to see "Julia & Julie". It was a fun movie. No deep politically statements (except the historically accurate depiction of Paul being hauled up before a McCarthy panel and interrogated), just good entertainment.

We headed to the shops for Meegan to pick something up, and while we were in the pedestrian right of way crosswalk, some asshat in a ute decided to try to back up over us. Anyone who knows me knows I can be heard. I yelled "OY! What the hell are you doing!!??"

Meegan and I continue along the pedestrian area, and the bozo gets out of his truck, and starts lipping off at me, about how what did we expect walking behind his truck , because I had whipped out my phone, and snapped a picture of his truck and license plate.

"We were in the pedestrian right of way area, you twit!" The people who saw the whole thing started laughing at him.

What he doesn't know, is the camera on the phone isn't all that great, and all I got was a blurry company logo, and that his truck is #5 in their fleet. If anyone local to me can puzzle out that logo on the left side of tailgate, let me know.

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