Monday, October 18, 2010

Now that was fast

Wing called the business partner, P, of the MISTAKE to cancel our booking of the hands on Photoshop course, and told P exactly why he was canceling. That "After the way I was treated on Saturday, I don't feel comfortable dealing with your company." and then went into detail as to the whats and whys.

P was aghast at what happened, and refunded our Photoshop course fees immediately, and then asked Wing to hold off calling the consumer protection, or whatever it's called in Australia, and I presume he spoke at some length with the MISTAKE.

P then called Wing back apologised profusely, and said they were refunding the Photo course fees in full. Then the MISTAKE got on the phone, and apologised up down and sideways to Wing. He said he was very sorry for his actions. That Wing's phone call to their business , withdrawal from the Photoshop course and the reasons behind it were a wake up call to the MISTAKE. He then asked Wing if he could ever find it in his heart to forgive him for how he had treated him, and Wing said "Maybe someday, but not now, I'm too angry with you." Wing was then offered the full Photography course free of charge. "Maybe some day, but not now" Mostly because he never wants to deal with the MISTAKE again.

I have an odd feeling they have had complaints lodged against them before, hence the almost begging not to call consumer protection. Doesn't really matter, but what matters is they fully admitted the MISTAKE was in the wrong, and needs a serious attitude adjustment. Maybe 20 mins or less on the tatami and Wing hefting a shinai would indelibly imprint that lesson on the MISTAKE. (weg)

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