Tuesday, June 29, 2010

In the vernacular of LOLCats

"I haz a happy, but I haz a sad too."

J & C, adoption candidates for Simba and Lucy, came over for their interview.

Not only do they know about how Bengals behave, understand that Simba might have a few 'stress' issues with a move so there might be accidents, know that Lucy has a mild heart murmur that needs to be checked every 6 months, are 100% behind them being indoor cats only (J&C both loved the pet enclosure and were already making plans where to put one) they also passed the Simba/Lucy "Play with me" test. On top of that, Miss Priss Ziggy liked them, too. J&C would like to beat the snot out of the previous humans that were nominally Simba and Lucy's first home.

We are waiting to see if they repeat the behavior they did the first time a potential forever home couple visited. Simba and Lucy were stressed, and 'accidents' happened on a daily basis for a week, that started hours after the people had gone home. All the kitties did was hide after they had left.

This is what they did after J & C left:

Then they played, and climbed into bed as usual.

I haz a happy because we are sure we have found the perfect forever home people. I am sad because I will miss looking up and seeing them on top of the wardrobe looking down. I will be sad because Simba won't be climbing up the kitchen drawers as if they were a ladder to snoop at what was on the counter. Ah, the double edged sword of fostering needful and hurt animals.

Pardon me while I go wipe my eyes and make Loki wonder why I am hugging him.

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