Thursday, February 24, 2011

Filed under "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"

For the 2nd morning in a row, I was woken up by what sounded like either two huge dogs fighting, or a human being mauled by a dog. This morning, however, I was more appropriately dressed, ran out to get high power hose to separate the dog from either other dog or from human.

Turns out that it was just the rude rubes across the street, and their dogs were roaming loose. When I pointed this out to the 'adult' woman, she let loose with a string of epithets most fitting in the movie FULL METAL JACKET, informing me her dogs were not roaming loose (disregarding the fact that her dog was in my yard about 10 feet from me, and even Jean said "Yes, your dogs are roaming about." pointing to their dog up in my yard), and her precious off spring was no better. He told said "Shut the f**k up, you f**king c**t, or I will shut you the f**k up."

Ok, I went out there to help what sounded like someone being mauled by a dog, and then getting his crap from this pipsqueak? I got steamed... I said "Oh bring it, buckwheat!" He repeated his sentiments, again with the threats. "Jump froggy, I could use a new house."

He came over all indignant and pugnacious, and Doug, neighbor next door stepped up and told the twerp (Isaac) that yes, your dogs are roaming. That yes, this was 2nd day in a row. And that his choices in conversational skills were lacking.

I called the police, and reported him for threatening, and I will be calling the Melville Rangers about their dogs roaming. She claimed the little dog living next door is what made their BIG dogs charge through a door, cuz the little doggie was threatening theirs. Fine, tell it to the rangers and let them sort it out.

Doug told me I was in the right on this, as was everyone else who thought someone was being hurt. I miss the nice elderly lady who lived there. These people have all the money of the Beverly Hillbillies, but none of the charm.

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