Sunday, January 6, 2013

I expect to get disowned for this but you know, I don't care

I got yet another filled with misinformation, CHRISTIAN nation, gun owners rights email from stepfather. I counted to 50 twice, then sat down and typed this out:

The argument of those serving in the military, and civilians is a false dichotomy. Military personnel are trained, schooled, lessoned, drilled on the proper use of a weapon even before they step out on a firing range. Those 19 yr olds in the military are mature enough to sign up for military service knowing this will be what they go through.

Also, I am so tired of reading about 'gun owners rights'. What about the rights of unarmed people to not get shot?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state" That woman who had all those guns, the ones her own son killed her with, then went on to slaughter 20 babies and 7 teachers, how was she necessary to the security of a free state, or militia? 5 good 'ol boys posing with their weapons in various 'attack' positions, how are they necessary to the security of a free state? They aren't militias, and would more than likely have been rejected had they shown up at an enlistment center.

If you try to say you need a retooled M16 assault rifle, without it being fully automatic, and using a high capacity ammo clip for home defense, you're lying. If you say you need it for hunting, then you have no business out there hunting. If you can't take down your game with a bolt action .306 you have no business out there. Nor do you need an assault weapon, aka the Bushmaster, for target practice.

Think of this: there was ONE, just ONE failed attempt at a shoe bombing. Now, we all have to take our shoes off at airports. There have been 32 mass murder shootings in the US, starting with Columbine, but still not one change in gun regulation? That is insanity. And just because I want gun regulation doesn't mean I'm some "anti-gun librul nut". You want to go skeet shooting? Fine! Home defense? Single shot rifle, or a revolver would do the trick. Hunting? See above comment about a bolt actions .306. Unless you are in a war zone, you do NOT need anything else.

About the praying: Federal Law, the Marines are Federal Employees. If they don't want to follow federal law, they should have become private security instead. So, HAIL the ACLU.

As for the "One Nation Under God" that was added in 1954 during the McCarthy era, to 'smoke out them damned commies', under the delusion that communist spies wouldn't stoop to saying "god". Think that one through... they are undercover spies, and won't say God? Using the excuse that those 20 babies murdered was because "God was taken out of schools"... Ok, what the excuse for those people shot to death in churches?

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