Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Enervating and exhausting

We had the meeting at Wing 's mom's house, with the doctor and nurse. Her depression is as obvious as the rising sun. She is, no joke, crippled with it. Turns out she was proscribed anti depressants.. took 2 pills, said they made her dopey, and then stopped taking them, and didn't tell her GP.

It was heart-wrenching to watch her worrying about every little thing as if it was a matter of life and death. Her house is so clean, an anal retentive Marine drill instructor would be proud. But to her, it's a slovenly mess, something that she she strip cleans every day, starting from the top to the bottom.

If there is heavy rain with wind, she might get an overflowing gutter, with MAYBE some water dribbling into the house. But to her, it's falling down around her ears. She obsesses over the slightest thing, until the point of full blown agitation/hand wringing/constant pacing. She's worried about being a burden. Wing told her that the only way that would happen is if she didn't do anything to treat the depression.

The goodish news is we might have gotten through to her, and got the ball rolling on getting her some assistance. We have to get her eating regularly, and better nutrition, sleeping better, and feeling better. Possibly a companion to drop in on a daily basis, even if it's just for a cup of tea and a natter.

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