Thursday, May 29, 2008

And he wonders why (danger, Rant ahead!)

Over the past several months, every time Alan and I have planned some sort of introduction dinner/lunch with his girlfriend,
has found some reason to miss it, or dismiss it. Last time, he said he would drop me off at the restaurant, and I could have lunch with Alan and Mel, while he would see his mom. It usually something else parents/mother/go to the gym, anything. Just about anything I want to do, he finds some way, reason, excuse to not be there.

Now I did tell him Monday last week that Mel would be having dinner here this week. I told him it wouldn't be on Tuesday or Thursday. I asked him to get the dining room table cleared of his fletching jig, and the other arrow making items. He had over a week to do so, but he chose not to. I took a whole 15 minutes and cleaned it up after he complained this morning that I didn't tell him when. I told him that maybe if he hadn't pulled his above mentioned stunts one time too often, I wouldn't have told him the exact time and date.

Then he started in on how the house was a mess (this after I have been for the past three weeks, since ENJO party cleaning, mopping etc etc). I can't do long stretches at a time (15 minutes, then I have to take a break because my back stiffens up), but the dining area is clean, including mopped floor, as is the kitchen, entry way, etc. He has bought into his mothers' comment that since he works, he is exempt in cleaning up, even after himself.

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