Sunday, May 17, 2009

Not going to archery today

Eyes are better, but still a bit twitchy. Last thing I need is a dose of pollen and fine dust.

Star Trek 11, that movie just rocked the house!



What I really liked is because of Nero getting sent through black hole, changing the timeline, making an alternate reality, it opens up new possibilities for Star Trek. I am so frigging grateful that Berman had nothing to do with this one.

Had a bit of very quiet whispering session with Aikidomayland as he kept saying at the beginning of the movie "I though his name was JAMES, not George." (*facepalm*) Once I gave him a 30 second synopsis, he finally stopped chattering.

Characters: Urban was great as McCoy. He had the attitude and behavior down perfectly. The southern twang needs some work. I still detected a bit of Kiwi accent in there, but as ShadoutCarver and I said "Better a generic American accent, than a bad southern one."

Quinto: fan-fucking-tastic as Spock. Even to the point of how he exploded and tried to throttle Kirk for insulting his Momma.

Ben Cross as Sarek.... well, he really wasn't a big presence so will wait. But I did like how he counseled Spock to NOT bury his anger about his mother being murdered.

Pine had the Kirk swagger down perfectly at the end. I liked how he was a delinquent as a kid, but how 'Pike' used that to his advantage. Greenwood as Pike was good choice too. Oh yeah, to all the people that say "There are no cliffs or canyons in Iowa!" it wasn't a canyon or cliff. It was a quarry, a mine.

Simon Peg: perfect Scotty. Ebullient and knows what he knows. Still wonder what happened to Admiral Archer's prize beagle. Here's hoping they fix that 'don't move' problem with the transporters.

Cho: Hand to hand combat training. When questioned by Kirk he replies "Fencing". Loved the 'omigodwearesogonnadie' look Kirk shoots him. Nice sword work there.

Small aside: Olsen, the guy space jumping with Kirk and Sulu to shut down the drill.... the one who get toasted by the drill. I guess you shouldn't space jump with a red suit, as beaming isn't the only danger if you are wearing a red suit.

Zoe Saldana: Great choice for Uhura. No nonsense, strong and very able to stand up for what she believes is right.

Anton Yelchin: *giggle* "Wictor Wictor". Perfect. Some things were left just the way they originally were.

Nimoy as Spock of Future tossed into the past: What can I say, but bravo. The meeting between Spock and younger Spock tied up the future and past wonderfully, and again, leaves opportunities for new Star Trek story lines.

Oh yeah, to all the people that say "There are no cliffs or canyons in Iowa!" it wasn't a canyon or cliff. It was a quarry, a mine.

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