Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why I am an advocate of Health Care Reform

No spin, no obfuscation, no lies.

I have a dead sister and nephew because of the current non existent health care that has been the norm for decades.

She was the working poor, with a cardiac condition: Mitral Regurgitation. She couldn't get insurance for two reasons: denied for pre-existing condition, and couldn't afford it. She could barely afford the medication, and often had to choose between food or medication. She was 6 months pregnant. She caught bronchitis, and went to the ER because she couldn't get a doctor to take her on as a new patient because she didn't have insurance and was a 'high risk' patient with a pre-existing condition.

She made it clear she was a cardiac alert, even had a medical alert bracelet. You see, people with her cardiac problem, when they get an infection, no matter how minor, they are supposed to be given massive dosages of antibiotics, and have a consult with a cardiologist, and be monitored to make sure the infection didn't spread to the heart and other organs.

Do you see where this is going yet? No, let me keep going.

The ER doctor listened to her lungs, pronounced she had bronchitis, gave her some Sudafed. A cough medicine, over the counter type. NO antibiotics, NO consult with a cardiologist., no EEG monitoring.

Without a prescription for the much needed antibiotics, the infection spread to her heart, kidneys, and liver. She gave birth almost 3 months premature. My nephew, Andrew Michael, died at 10 days old, and she died from anuerysm caused by the infection passing the blood/brain barrier. In the space of one week, I became an aunt, and then an only child,

So don't any of you AstroTurfers DARE prate to me, or anyone else, that THEIR family member who wasn't able to get health insurance because they can't afford it, or constantly get denied because of a pre-existing condition, doesn't need health care reform.

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