Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's not the phase of the moon...

But something has people really wound up, and manners have gone to the wayside.

On a forum about Wrong Way Wilson (There is a right way and a wrong way to disagree with a President, and not during a presidential address. Guess which one he did.) the rancor towards President Obama is palpable. They are cheering the GOP who yelled out YOU LIE when Obama most certainly did not lie. If an Independent/Democrat/Green member of Congress had (rightfully) yelled YOU LIE to Bush, these same people would have demanded a resignation at least, and prosecution for treason and a trip to GITMO.

What these rubes just don't get is if US Government members show open disrespect for the President, and presidential office during an important address, how the hell do they expect other countries to show respect?

Moving on:

Someone on a different forum asked for help with something, but posted his questions entirely in capslock. I answered each of his questions in turn, showing examples with screen captures. On the very last line, as an aside, I mentioned that"Posting in all capslock meant he was YELLING at us. Please don't do it Thanks!"

Some snarky bitch decided to yell at me telling me YOU WERE RUDE! and Aggressive!

I took it private and told her I don't know what her problem was, but she should go back and read her nasty comment and then decide who was being rude. She then sent me an even bitchier reply, trying to justify her behavior.

I told her "as for being rude, publicly doing what you did was way out of line. Talk about rude? You owe ME an apology. But I see by your nitpicking and constant making excuses for your behavior, I won't get it.

And Netiquette has nothing to do with building computers. I didn't demand a durned thing. I added it as an aside. You read more into it then what was there.

As I said, I don't know what your problem was, but you, not me, you were way out of line.

And another thing.. I did not bold (she quoted my original message but made three words bold type) type it, as that would be a demand, and you supposedly knowing about Netiquette should be well aware of that.

If I read as angry, you're right. You were out of line. He didn't have a problem, I wasn't addressing you, you decided to play Judge Judy. And I guess even etiquette is missing for you, because publicly telling someone you consider them rude is.. well Rude! Or did you conveniently forget that part.

I haven't heard back from her, and I really doubt I will.

Moving on again: Today at Foo Gwai, we had our usual (including proper pork bun sacrifice to
). We put in an order for fried squid, aka Cthulu. It was being brought around to our table when one very imperious woman stopped the server, asked what was on the tray, and when given a description, boldly reached out and grabbed our plate of squid. Wait staff asked "Did you order this?" The woman lied, said yes, and took it.

It was just a petty, childish thing to do. Manager noticed we were still waiting, went to the kitchen, and the owner brought it out. I told him it wasn't the wait staffs fault, and explained what happened. Funnily enough, he looked right over at the woman who did it, and nodded. I think they have had dealings with her before.

Like I said, it's gotta be something, but I haven't a clue what.

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