Sunday, April 10, 2011

As much as I don't like his Pro-Birth/Anti-Choice stance, and his politics

I respect Mike Huckabee. I respect him a helluva lot more than Trump and his "Birther" ilk. When Mr Huckabee was asked same question about Mr Obama's place of birth. His answer was this: "Of course he was born in the US. If he hadn't been, Hilary Clinton would have had him thrown out of the presidential race in 2008."

Trump has decided to enrage the mentally handicapped, bigoted section of the US population by once again starting in on all the Orly Taitz crap, that was thoroughly debunked already, when asked "Do you think President Obama was born in the US?" he started in on the "born in Kenya because his step grandmother remembers", and othersuch nonsense, and that Mr Obama can't show his original hospital issued birth certificate. I can't either, so I have the same kind Mr O does, but issued from the state of Texas (I still say when I moved out of there, the aggregate IQ dropped 50%)

Clue up Don of the bad hair and worse canned tan, Mr Obama's birth certificate was publicly displayed, and yes the serial # was redacted out to prevent someone from copying it. That hospital copy of yours you were flashing about as proof of your citizenship isn't a legitimate copy. Only one that is legit is the one issued by court houses, town halls, bureau of vital statistics. You know, the variety that Mr Obama publicly displayed. You are an political idiot, Trump, on par with that fading beauty queen Palin.

So to all these waffling Republicans, and to Trump, crawl back into your hole about Mr Obama's place of birth, Honolulu Hawaii, and deal with the real issues.

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