Saturday, September 8, 2012

Veterinary Round up, 2012

It was that time of the year again, when all three Purr Kids had to get their check ups, and vaccinations. Keito saw me move the pet carriers and tried to hide. I kept telling Wing and Alan that he was in our closet, but no one listened to me until I shifted half of it out, and showed them where he was. Was a fight to get the boys, Keito and Loki, into the carriers.

Then, it was Loki with his LET ME OUT LET ME OUT yowling, and we were off to the vet.

All three awaiting their DOOOOM!

Ziggy doesn't seem too bothered. Maybe her recent trip to the vet prepared her for it?

Vet checks out the leg/foot she licked bald. Inflamation gone, fur growing back nicely. Weighs in at 3.5kgs

Onto Loki. For a cat who wanted out of his carrier, it was amusing to watch him steadfastly REFUSING to budge, even with the top of the carrier removed.

Nope, still not moving.. but he did growl.

He had to be taken out to be weighed (8.5kgs) And in a reversal of home, he couldn't wait to get back INTO the carrier!

Keito, the Mellow Man as usual, sits on the scale after his exam. 6.5kgs.

Glaring at the door because he can hear the dogs in the other room.

So, all are well, Keito, Ziggy, and Loki at their optimal weight. All vaccinated until next year

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