Wednesday, December 18, 2013

With all of the square footage on my body

Why oh why does everything smack/slam into my shin?

Three weeks ago, I slammed my left shin into a heavy planter. It was properly iced, leg propped, took care of it. The point of impact area, about 3 inches wide, 3/4 in high, is still tender and sore, and every #%@$(*&$ thing in the universe keeps banging into it. Loki head butting it, Keito rubbing against it, me forgetting and crossing my leg over it, cabinet door open a fraction of an inch, Wing putting his leg over mine, or kicking me with his heel at night, etc etc.

Plastic laundry basket fell from top of the washing machine, and landed exactly onto the sore area. Sharp radiating pain that had me swearing a blue streak.

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