Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain on Palin's "Foreign Policy" experience

: Can you honestly say you feel confident having someone who hasn’t traveled outside the United States until last year, dealing with an insurgent Russia, with an Iran with nuclear ambitions, with an unstable Pakistan, not to mention the war on terror?

: Sure. And one of the key elements of America’s national security requirements are energy. She understands the energy issues better than anybody I know in Washington, D.C., and she understands. Alaska is right next to Russia. She understands that.

Based on this mind numbling stupidity, I am more qualified to be VP, as I live in Australia (foreign to my birth country, USA) which is closer to Indonesia, Asia, etc than Palin is. Any US military person who has been outside the US has more Foreign Policy experience. I guess Polar Bears have the same amount of experience as they have been close to Russia for countless years. And what about Canada. How does Canada play into 'foreign policy', as it's closer , actually is on the US border to the north! *gasp* Americans living in the Great Lakes region have more 'foreign policy' experience than Palin, if I go by "Alaska is close to Russia' logic. Let's not forget the Texas border. I guess all those Texans have more 'foreign policy' experience as there is only a river between them and another country, rather than ice and ocean. so it's closer than Russia. And for the kicker, Obama lived abroad, which gives him more 'foreign policy' experience hand over fist than Palin.

GIBSON: But you criticized, for a long time, Sen. Obama based on his lack of experience. […] Jan. 6, I’m quoting you, “Sen. Obama does not have the national security experience and background to be president.”

MCCAIN: I said he didn’t have the judgment. (No, you said experience, and it's on video. You said it several times. )

GIBSON: Sarah Palin does? (Oh hell no)

MCCAIN: I said that he didn’t have the judgment. He doesn’t have the judgment. He didn’t have the judgment on Iraq. He still refuses to acknowledge that the surge has succeeded. Gov. Palin knows the surge has succeeded. She’s the commander of the Alaskan National Guard. He said that Iran was a tiny problem. He’s never visited south of our border. He has no experience on these issues.

Anyone with half a brain refused to acknowledge this 'surge' is working, because by the death and body toll that keeps running up, it's obvious it's not. GOP party line followers might parrot the rhetoric, but that doesn't make it true. Iran is a tiny problem that the GOP War Machine is trying to churn into being a huge problem. Keep kicking the wasp nest, sooner or later you will get stung.

The Commander of the Alaskan National Guard? Really? Like that means something? She is the titular head, and if there is a disaster, she says "Go there." Not what I would call 'military experience'

As for judgment, I am calling yours, Mr. McCain, into question. On many levels.

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