Sunday, April 19, 2009

Previously, on 'Fundies Say the DARNEDEST Things'...

Yes. Incest is illegal because it tends to create retarded children etc. Perhaps homosexuals? LOL!!
This means I (a man) should be able to marry my brother then!!! Correct? Because we can't have children!!!
I'm secretly getting a lawyer and suing to marry my brother. I'm sure I can convince a constitutionalist state judge to concede. And hey, if we fail, I'll sell a lot of books and get rich!
Why not? I was BORN a homosexual. I LOVE my brother. He loves me. The constitution guarantees our rights and happiness.
Reductio Ad Absurdum unfortunately ...

DrWhoo, Newsvine 61 Comments [4/15/2009 3:39:15 AM]

Love this response:

You should probably ask your brother what he thinks before you do anything.

4/15/2009 8:48:30 PM

Lately, Fundies have been using the 'marrying my brother/sister' or some four legged animal as an example as to why same sex marriage shouldn't be legalised. Why do they insist on equating what two consenting adults as such?

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