Thursday, September 23, 2010

I have noted..

That the politicians, both in the US and Australia, aren't listening to their constituents.

Have they forgotten their jobs are reliant on those constituents? That they can be voted out of office, or lose the next election?

Case in point:

In the US, over 70% polled want DADT repealed. It's a useless bit of propaganda added to a military spending bill to appease the GOP.

In Australia, 80% of the people polled support voluntary euthanasia for those who are terminally ill, with NO hope in hell of recovery, just a long agonizing lingering death.

Both were voted down by the politicians.

I have higher hopes about politicians getting replaced in Australia, because unlike the US, if you're a UK/Australian citizen living in Australia, you must vote in federal elections.

Personally, after seeing the debacles of people suffering from the "my vote won't matter" attitude in the US, i feel federal elections should have the same rule in the US. Why? Because it would be the real "We The People" electing politicians, not just jazzed up or rabid groups.

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