Monday, July 6, 2009

Time to pay the piper

I knew that taking  meds to mask the pain, thereby ignoring it,  over the weekend would come home to roost. And it did. At the tail end of SupaNova, the implant area on my spine was audibly creaking and cracking. Doesn't mean it was breaking, just meant I could feel and hear it from doing too much.  

Legs are Jello weak, and I feel as if I have been through a human sized food processor, with blunted blades, of course. Funny thing is, I wouldn't have done anything differently had I known for a fact, rather than just suspect, the results would be.

Karl Urban is delightful Con guest. He is also a clown.  Personable, approachable, and one helluva sense of humor. Aikidomayland  sandbagged me with a question to ask Karl. I found out just what it meant... let's just say it's about a rivalry between Aussie and Kiwis.

Richard Hatch: I could talk to him for hours. Something he said really struck home.  When there is something you really want to do, there always be people who will try to tell you that you can't do it.  And tell you why you can't. And if you disregard their nay saying, and try, they get angry at you for ignoring them. When you start succeeding, they do their best to sabotage you.  Funnily enough, this applied to a certain group of females that did just that. They failed in their attempts, but they did tell me I couldn't, I wouldn't, and when I did, tried to sabotage.  Their efforts were wasted.

Dirk Benedict: hmmm, what to say. A man of very strong convictions, who enjoyed his time on Battlestar Galactica, and the A Team.

Herb Jefferson Jr:  Boomer on First "Battlestar Galactica". He so reminded me of my Uncle Al. The same ebullient personality, with a touch of friendly smart ass.  :)

Gil Birmingham, a quietly friendly man. I asked "Could you give me a smile?" and he did. :)  

Jake Lloyd: a very level headed young man.  He actually has no idea how he was the one that landed the role of "Anakin".

Will post gallery of pics, when I have finished going through them.

Well, I am off to heat up a wheat bag, and do some self leg massaging. Should help.  *wince* Hopefully.

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