Saturday, August 14, 2010

My comment about Pres. Obama on the Manhattan Mosque.

I find it amazing that people are forgetting that the right to worship is a LEGAL right. I have read comments on other sites where idiots are saying they will mix bacon grease with the mortar and tell the owners after the building is completed, or urinate on the building every chance he gets should it be built. If these statements were directed at a Catholic, Baptist, or otherwise "Christian" church, there would be such an uproar of indignation.

The Mosque is not being built on 'Ground Zero'. It's going to be built on privately owned property on Manhattan.

And consider this, all those who are screaming incoherencies: One religious group forces another religious group into bending to their will. What will make that bullying group any different than the religious fundamentalists in Middle Eastern countries?

No, I'm not Muslim. I am an American who knows that religious freedom means religious freedom for all. There is nothing illegal about being Muslim. (saying this because you just know there will be some troll who will say "Well, what about Satanists sacrificing humans? What about their religious freedom?" totally forgetting that murder is illegal.)

Again, religious freedom must apply to all, or it's worthless.

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