Friday, October 3, 2008

Can she do anything else?

Other than duck dodge weave and not answer direct questions, or fall back on folksy homilies, or spout McCain/Bush slogans?

Not really.

I found it hypocritical of her to deride Biden's age and time in gov't, seeing who her running mate is.

I do like how she manages to use yellow highlighter when spouting 'facts'. Obama voted against funding the troops. Half right, but she neglected to mention two other things. There were strings attached to this funding, so he voted NO, as Line Veto isn't an option for Senators. Also, McCain also voted NO on the same one.

That being said, McCain voted down, or just didn't show up, for votes to increase funding for Veterans.

Her Folksy manner isn't endearing. Saw it too much with Bush and look where that led.

And count how many times she says MAVERICK. She and McCain aren't mavericks. Just because you pigheadedly go your own way, totally disregarding consequences or damage, doesn't make you a maverick. Just because McCain was a POW does not mean he knows how to win a war. How in the hell do you make that leap of non-logic.

Biden did a great job on rebutting this BS about being a 'maverick' about things that really matter to everyone.

And one more thing to Palin: There is more to the world than the one of the smallest population states in the US. Comparing your running of a small town.... I guess you would call a breeze a hurricane.

As for McCain being the only candidate that 'fought for you'... I guess Obama is a bad guy for not being OLD enough to have been drafted, huh?

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