Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Iddums BOO!

McCain, Palin decry 'gotcha' journalism

Aww, poor babies! It's ok if this sort of journalism is done to democrats on their behalf. Or for Bill Oh'Really to actually stalk people to do this, but 'its not fair' when done to them. Especially when those rascally articles or reports are true!

McCain trying to cover Palin's ass by her getting called on her stupidity as "Gotcha Journalism". It wasn't "Gotcha" in the slightest, unlike the BS Billo does, which is. Palin got verbally nailed for her stupidity, and is whining about it. (For giggles, count how many times Palin and McCain say 'Gotcha Journalism'. I think they are trying for a new catch phrase/sound bite ala 'smoking gun/mushroom cloud')


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