Monday, November 10, 2008

Massive weekend update

Friday, aikidomayland and I went to Tsunami for our anniversary. We had a lovely time there, but the chairs played havoc with my lower back as they were short legged chairs. Even aikidomayland said he felt like he was sitting at a kiddie table.

Saturday: JP and Sarah's wedding.

:D It was held in Lancelin, near the ocean, and it was a beautiful ceremony. Saw many friends there too. Reception was wonderful. The 'Dragons' decorating the table were beautiful. There were some umm lets just say many people wanted to take the dragons home with them. There were also some very odd things being done to the dragons

Man Eating Dragon?

(looks at book case). There be rescued dragons there!

I got some great shots of the ocean, reef, beach, wind surfers, kite surfers while I was there.

Unfortunately, the chairs there continued doing a number on my back.

Sunday: Archery. Many people told me I looked very tired, and commented that I hadn't walked that slow or stiffly for several months. Yeah, over doing and some styles of chairs can really make things a bit inflexible. Went to Foo Gwai, where we made our pork bun sacrifice to akire-yta. Got the pillaging done afterward. Came home, and pretty much collapsed.

TGIM, Thank Goodness It's Monday. I get to rest!

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