Friday, November 21, 2008

What he can't keep he is determined to destroy

Soon to be ousted Bush is well on his way to becoming, irrevocably, the worst president in history. Even worse than Grant. He is pushing to make changes to the Endangered Species act, and other regulations now so President Elect Obama will have a much more difficult time to undo it.

This man is like a hyena. They have been known to vomit over what they can't eat, so nothing else can eat it. Bush is going out of his way to destroy anything and everything he can before he is out of the oval office.

I am quite sure that it won't be a shocker to know that these regulations come at the benefit of corporations. And to the detriment of the Americans and the environment, including making it easier to pollute near national parks, easing mining restrictions, and gutting the Endangered Species Act.

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