Thursday, November 13, 2008

Walk around the block, repeat if necessary

I get bored spitless going to the gym. I know some people are in luuuurve with weight machines, stationary bikes, elliptic machines, and treadmills, but after a few months, I get bored.

So, instead of that, I have suggested that aikidomayland and I take nice long walks after (or sometimes before) dinner. The first two times, he set the pace, and I ended up limping and gasping for air. Last night, I told him I was setting the pace. Funny thing is we went three times the distance, and I wasn't limping and had no trouble breathing. I told him that doc said you should be able to talk and walk at the same time, and if you can't then slow down. I have asthma. Things are in bloom. Grass/Trees/Other foliage is being cut on daily basis. Breathing easy is an issue with me. So, slowed down, walked 3 times the distance, twice the amount of time.

And I feel better for it.

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